신생아 특례대출 [2024 Budget] Special provisions for newborn furniture… Special sale, low-interest loan up to 500 million won < Policy/Finance < Text of article - Yonhap Infomax

신생아 특례대출We plan to bring about housing stability through special stimulus and priority allocation of rentals while expanding the income requirements and loan limits to receive loans at lower interest rates than the market.
The government will also extend the support period for childcare leave by another half year to 1 year and 6 months.
On the 29th, the government announced next year’s budget containing these details.
Although 280 trillion won was invested between 2006 and 2021, this is an unprecedented benefit as the total fertility rate continues to be the lowest in the world at 0.78.
The government established a new low-interest loan program related to home purchase and lease funds.
The existing income requirement was approximately 60 to 70 million won, which was doubled to 130 million won.
In the case of trading, it was decided to increase the limit by 100 million won from 400 million won to 500 million won. The jeonse is maintained at 300 million won.
The interest rate is planned to be 1 to 3 percentage points (p) lower than the market rate.
Those eligible for benefits are children born after January 1 of this year.
Only households that gave birth within two years before applying for a loan, sale, or lease can benefit.
For example, households raising a child born on July 31 of this year can apply for a loan, sale, or lease until July 31, 2025.
The government plans to expand the period of paid parental leave support from the current 1 year to 1 year and 6 months to expand parents’ opportunities to care for their children.
Parental leave, whether for 1 year or 1 year and 6 months, can be divided into two periods for parents with children under the age of 8.
However, in order to ease the burden of childcare on women and prevent career breaks, the minimum requirement for dual care was set at 3 months.
This means that parental leave can be extended up to 1 year and 6 months only if both parents use it for more than 3 months.
The infant special treatment system will also be expanded and reorganized.
In order to encourage men to take childcare leave, the period of special provisions for infancy, which provides increased benefits when both parents take care of each other, will be extended from the current 3 months to 6 months.
Additionally, the upper limit will be increased by 50% from 3 million won to a maximum of 4.5 million won.
The upper limit is gradually raised as the period of time both parents use parental leave increases.
The government also decided to increase the monthly stipend for parents of children under the age of 7 from 700,000 won to 1 million won starting next year, and to 500,000 won for children under the age of 1, which is 150,000 won more than this year.
A voucher worth 2 million won is also provided when a newborn is born.
Taking this into consideration, the total amount of support for two years after the birth of the first child is 20 million won (2 million won for the first meeting + 18 million won total parental salary until the first child is born).
Second, since the first meeting voucher is 3 million won, the total payment amount is 21 million won.

신생아 특례대출
