신용불량자 조회 및 확인 Bad Credit Inquiry and Verification

These days, society is called a credit society. I really agree with that. When you spend money, you will most likely use credit cards to make credit purchases. That is why managing your credit rating is very important.

신용불량자 조회

신용불량자 조회

Bad Credit Check

This time, I will introduce a free way to check your bad credit. In fact, modern people should check regularly and know their scores and grades. You can also find out if you have bad credit.

Bad Credit Check
This time, I will introduce a website that is the most convenient and easy to use among those. It is a website that provides a ‘free credit check for all citizens’ service.

It is a website called Nice Jikimi. You can check your credit right away without registering as a member on this website. Enter the address [https://www.credit.co.kr/] to go to the website and click <Try it> on the right.

Bad Credit Inquiry
If you click on Experience, the screen shown at the top will appear. In this section, click on the <National Credit Inquiry> button.

Bad Credit Inquiry
Then, the menu for members will appear, so click on <Non-member> on the left side menu. You can also check information related to your credit rating even if you sign up on the website.

Bad Credit Inquiry
If you do that, the screen for applying for non-members will appear. You can use it free of charge 3 times a year. Click on the <National Free Credit Inquiry Application (Non-member)> button.

Bad Credit Inquiry
Now, if you authenticate with a mobile phone or public certificate to use the service, you can check your own credit information. If the result of the bad credit inquiry shows that you are a defaulter, you can consider that there is a problem with your credit.