쏘카 이용요금 및 이용방법 Socar usage fees and usage method

How much is SoCar today? Let’s find out how to use it.


Have you all used Socar? Or are you planning to use Socar now? Socar provides convenience to us. If you suddenly need a car when you don’t have one or need to rent a car while traveling, it is relatively cheaper than renting a car.

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How to use Socar



First of all, before finding out how much it costs to use Socar, let’s first look at how to use Socar. Everyone is probably using a smartphone. Please refer to the information below for how to use it.


※ Before using SoCar, you must be 21 years of age or older, and you can use Socar one year after obtaining your driver’s license.

① You need to download the Socar app.

② After registering as a member, register your driver’s license.

③ Select the Socar parking lot closest to the neighborhood you live in and select the vehicle you want to rent.

④ Set the usage time.

⑤ Select a vehicle damage waiver product. (Light, Standard, Special)

⑥ After checking rental information, confirm payment information.

⑦ After payment, you can open/close the car door using the Socar app.

After using SoCar, park at the designated location and return it. Before returning the item, be sure to check that the item has been placed and returned before returning it. (Tip Socar WiFi available)



Socar usage fee



Socar usage fees can be paid before boarding and when returning the car. Payment before boarding determines how much of the vehicle you will rent and the hourly rate for renting the vehicle. When returning the vehicle, you will be charged a fee per km equivalent to the distance you drove with SoCar after renting the vehicle per hour. And when using Hi-Pass, it is charged in addition to the driving fee.







Additionally, when renting a Socar, you must also select a vehicle damage waiver product. There are light, standard, and special. Light is the cheapest, but requires the highest out-of-pocket costs. The higher the grade, the lower the out-of-pocket costs.



When I went to Danyang this time, I rented an Avante vehicle. I will tell you how much it cost and how much the total usage fee was.




The rental time was 12:00 ~ 19:30, for a total of 7 hours and 30 minutes. At this time, the total price including the exemption product fee was 37,470 won. By applying the coupon, I received a 4,480 won discount, resulting in a pre-trip fare of 33,670 won.


And after driving a total of 39 km, the basic fare for 30 minutes (4,750 won) + driving distance 39 km, the fare after driving was 6,450 won. If you add up the pre-trip fare and the post-trip fare, you ended up spending 43,920 won.





Information for reference is that the Avante I rented is a mid-size model, so the driving fee per 1km is 170 won. If you choose a medium-sized, semi-large, large, small SUV, semi-medium SUV, van, imported vehicle, or electric vehicle, the driving fee per 1 km will be different, so please keep this in mind.


I think the biggest advantage of SoCar is that you can rent it at any time, regardless of time or location. I rode for 7 hours and 30 minutes and the fare was around 40,000 won, so I think it’s a pretty good price.