어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to look up fines for speeding in children’s zones

To Find Fines for Speeding Violations in Children’s Zones | time | Penalties | error | 30 km speed limit | 40 km speed limit | Signal Violation Criteria | Let’s take a look at the inquiry homepage.
어린이 보호구역 속도위반

Today, in the children’s sanctuary, also known as the school zone

In case of speed violation

Let’s talk about penalties.

어린이 보호구역 속도위반



First, learn about school zones.

What is a school zone?
Around schools such as kindergartens and elementary schools

within a radius of 300m

Fines and fines for speed and traffic lights

It is applied higher than normal roads.

That’s why we all value it

It is a place that must be protected.



★ Fines for speeding in children’s zones ★


20KM: KRW 60,000

20KM ~ 40KM or less: KRW 90,000

40KM ~ 60KM or less: KRW 120,000

60KM~: KRW 150,000

Signal Violation: 120,000 won

When compared to normal fines

It can be seen that it is twice as high.





★Demerit points for speeding in children’s zones★


Speed violation under 20km: -15 points

20KM ~ 40KM speed violation: -30 points

40KM ~ 60KM speed violation: -60 points

Violation over 60KM~: -120 points

Signal Violation: -20 points

This is also different from normal fines.

It can be seen that it is twice as high.



Speeding in children’s zones

It is managed as a special area,

Dense residential areas, parked cars

In the blind spot, the driver must

Safe slow driving habits are required.

Because you never know when the kids will come out

This is where the driver needs extra attention.





As of March 35, the Minsik Act

As it was implemented, in the child protection area

not only speeding

cause a car accident

If the victim is dead

With the revision of the special law

Imprisoned for more than 3 years

In case of death in 12 major negligence traffic accidents

sentence of life imprisonment or imprisonment of not less than 3 years

You could be sentenced.




Imprisonment of not less than 1 year to not more than 15 years in case of injury

or a fine of 500 to 30 million won

Punishment can be paid

You can see that it is very powerful.


Therefore, within the child protection area

Traffic accidents that occur are subject to the Traffic Accident Preferential Act.

As it becomes a 12 major negligence accident

being subject to criminal prosecution

Please remember.