어린이 비만도 계산기 Child Obesity Calculator

child obesity calculator, BMI calculation
어린이 비만도 계산기
Obesity is related to external appearance and health, so you need to pay a lot of attention. It is important to know whether or not you are overweight. Let’s look at obesity percentages and calculators for whether men and women are obese or not and accurate calculation formulas.

어린이 비만도 계산기

BMI Meaning and Calculation

It is an abbreviation of Body Mass Index, which means body mass index. It is a value obtained by dividing one’s weight by the square of one’s height, and is the most widely used method because it has a high correlation with body fat mass. However, since it is determined only by weight and height, it is difficult to reflect body fat and muscle mass, and there is a limit that even a large amount of muscle mass can be diagnosed as obesity.


BMI: weight (kg) / height (m) X height (m) (height 175 cm, weight 70 kg, male 20 years old – BMI 22.86, normal category)
World Health Organization: overweight over 25, obese over 30
Korean Society for Obesity: 23~24.9 perfect obesity, 25~29.9 1st stage obese, 30~34.9 2nd stage obese, 35 and over 3rd stage obese

BMI calculator

If you use the Naver Calculator’s BMI calculator below, you can calculate your body mass index according to your gender and age in an abbreviated form.


Child Obesity Calculator
Because children and adolescents have a limited body mass index, obesity cannot be judged on the same basis as adults. For those under the age of 19, please refer to the standard growth chart according to body mass index below. (Source: Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)


▣ Boys (2-18 years old)

Boys (2-18 years old) Standard Growth Chart Body Mass Index

▣ Girls (2~18 years old)

Standard Growth Chart Body Mass Index for Girls (2-18 years old)




obesity treatment
Obesity is an urgent priority to improve lifestyle. As mentioned above, obesity is caused by continuing to consume more calories than you consume. Therefore, in order to consume more calories than consume, you need to reduce the amount of food and increase the amount of exercise.


It should also be combined with a diet that reduces calorie intake. It is recommended to eat 500 to 1,000 calories less than the usual amount of calories consumed, and depending on how the nutrients are composed, the diet is very important enough to have a weight loss effect. However, diet alone is not enough to lose weight in a healthy way. Exercise plays a role in preventing the weight from gaining again after losing it, and you need at least 30 minutes of exercise every day to lose weight properly.


In addition, obesity is also treated through medication. Obesity treatment drugs include drugs that inhibit fat absorption and appetite suppressants, and it is recommended to take them after consulting with a specialist. If your body mass index is over 35 or over 30 and you have other medical conditions, such as diabetes, surgery may be considered.


woman measuring her waist with a tape measure

So far, we have looked at information related to the obesity index calculator.


If you are overweight beyond the normal range, you should lose weight for health reasons so that you can live a more energetic and healthy life. However, excessive dieting for cosmetic purposes can harm your health, so it is recommended that you maintain a standard weight suitable for your height. With spring coming soon, there will be a lot of people going on a diet ahead of summer, so I hope you can refer to the obesity calculator I introduced today and help you maintain a healthy weight 🙂