에버랜드 스마트줄서기 이용방법 How to use Everland Smart Line

Smart queues were introduced at Everland after the coronavirus outbreak. This is a system where you can make a reservation through an app and enter at the reserved time without having to wait in line on site. Popular attractions fill up quickly, so check in advance how to use the smart line before visiting.

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What is smart line waiting?
How to stand in a smart line
Tips for using smart queue
Everland visiting tips

What is smart line waiting?
Smart Queue is a system that allows you to queue for rides using an app after entering Everland. This does not apply to all attractions, but applies to popular attractions such as T Express, Safari, Lost Valley, and Bumper Cars.


Additionally, attractions that use smart queuing will change depending on the situation. If there are a lot of visitors, the number of smart queue attractions increases. On-site queuing is possible after 2 p.m. when smart queuing ends.


How to stand in a smart line
1. Smart line waiting is done through the Everland app, so you must first install the Everland line waiting app. You can download the app below.




2. After registering/logging in, register your ticket (admission ticket) in the app. You must register your ticket to be able to wait in a smart line as soon as you enter.


3. Enter Everland.


4. Click ‘Smart Line’ LIST in the Everland app. There are MAP and LIST, but LIST is more convenient to use because it shows the type of attraction right away.


5. Select the desired attraction from the smart queue list and then press ‘Start Smart Queue’.


6. A message will appear informing you of the reservation time.


7. Go to the attraction according to the reservation time.


8. You can enter the attraction by showing the staff the QR code that appears after the reservation time.


Tips for using smart queue
✅ When using rides with your group, it is convenient to register all passes on one mobile phone. When registering with each cell phone, each person must register in smart line separately.


✅Smart queuing can be done after entering Everland, and open running is a must as popular attractions fill up quickly. (Operation starts at 10 a.m.)


✅You can use the paid parking lot at the front gate for quick entry. (Fee to use the main gate parking lot is 15,000 won per day / 5,000 won discount when paying with Kakao T)


✅Smart queuing cannot be used for more than two attractions at the same time, and you can reserve the next ride after using the reserved ride.


✅After 2 p.m., smart queuing ends and on-site queuing begins.


Everland visiting tips
When you visit Everland, you can enjoy a more convenient trip by taking a few things with you.


✔Everland Map

Everland has a large site and a variety of rides, so it’s easy to get around if you have a map. You can receive a leaflet at the Everland ticket office or save the Everland map to your phone.


👇Download Everland map👇

Everland map.jpg


✔Auxiliary battery

In Everland, batteries run out quickly, so an auxiliary battery is essential. If you don’t bring an auxiliary battery, your phone may turn off in the middle of the day.


✔Small mat

If you’re planning to watch a parade or fireworks, it’s a good idea to bring a small mat. Even in the warm season, the temperature drops significantly in the evening, so it can be difficult to sit on the bare floor.



If you are visiting with children, a stroller is a must. Everland is so large that it is difficult for a child to walk continuously, and a stroller is also useful for allowing a child to take a nap. You can also use paid rentals at Everland.


✔Cup holder

If you are bringing a stroller, please bring a cup holder. I have a stroller and carrying drinks around is quite a hassle. You can enjoy a more comfortable trip with just one cup holder.