엑셀 자격증 Summary of Excel certification types: Computer Skill Level 1/2, ITQ, MOS exam schedule and study methods: Naver Blog

엑셀 자격증2023. 6. 27. 17:10


What is Excel?
It has the same function as the spreadsheet used by Google. However, Excel can be viewed as a spreadsheet developed and distributed by MS (Microsoft). Although sheets are used more often than Excel in recent practice, the ability to use Excel and Excel certification are still considered essential qualifications for office workers.​

★ Typical Excel certification types

– Computer Skill Level 1
– Computer Skill Level 2
– ITQ certification
– MOS certification

Computer skills, ITQ, and MOS are representative types of Excel certifications. Since none of the courses are difficult, even people who are not good at computers can obtain certification by preparing for as little as 1 month or as long as 2 months.

Computer Literacy Certificate

1st grade
level 2

Level 1 computer literacy certificate
[take notes]
Computer general
Spreadsheet General
database general

[Practical skills]
Spreadsheet Practice
Database Practice

[Test Schedule]

This is the most common and representative exam among Excel certifications. However, it is the most difficult certification. Based on Nobase, you can obtain it by studying for an average of 2 months.
Level 2 computer literacy certificate
[take notes]
computer general
Spreadsheet General

[Practical skills]
Spreadsheet Practice

[Test Schedule]

This is a type of Excel certification that many minors obtain. This is a certification that is obtained after studying for about a month on average. The way to study for computer skills level 1 and 2 is to solve the past exam questions on the CBT site at least twice for the written exam, and for the practical exam, set aside time to study for about 2 weeks and repeat it. (We recommend free lectures on YouTube.)​

Second, ITQ certification

– Nationally recognized private certification
– Written X, Practical O​

ITQ certification criteria
Tables and Charts
formula editor
Document writing ability

In fact, ITQ is difficult to consider as an Excel certification. We are verifying Korean document skills, and since it is usually acquired in conjunction with computer skills, we have included it in the Excel certification category. Because the level of difficulty is easy, it is a certification that requires studying for about 4 weeks to obtain.
Study methods and exam schedule
monthly exam
Test immediately after submitting application

Currently, the earliest ITQ certification exam schedule is for applicants to apply between July 7th and July 12th and take the exam on July 12th. A score of less than 200 points out of 500 is a failure, and is graded as A, B, or C depending on the score.


Third, MOS certification

Power point

To obtain the Morse certification, you must take an exam by selecting one of the five programs above. Excel is usually the most chosen structure. In other words, the general route is to verify your Hangul and computer skills using ITQ and Excel skills using MOS.​

MOS Certification Exam Overview
Regular exam
Written X / Practical O

It is divided into 2016 core general evaluation items and 2016 Ecpert advanced evaluation items. In the case of Morse certification, if the version changes, you must renew the certification again. (If the version changes, the previously acquired certification will expire.)


Other clerical qualifications

(This is a certification that you are not eligible to apply for.)

SQLD Certification (SQL Developer)
This is a certification that goes more in-depth into databases, which is tested in computer skills level 1. Recently, there is a lot of demand for office workers to have the ability to manage big data. The command used to manage and analyze big data is SQL. The exam schedule is scheduled 5 times a year, and you can usually study for about 4 weeks.​

ADSP Certification (Data Analysis Associate Professional)
Verifies statistical knowledge and knowledge required for office workers who manage data. Among the Excel certifications I looked into today, it has a level of difficulty similar to that of Level 1 Computer Skills. It is one of the certifications that is recently required for undergraduate business and statistics majors who work in office positions.​

So far, I have written a post about the types of Excel certifications. Since none of them are difficult, it would be a good idea to prepare by choosing 2 or 3 options.​

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