엑셀 함수 정리 This is the cleanest summary of Excel functions. (pdf file attached)

엑셀 함수 정리Hello, this is Nonnom.
Excel is really difficult.
I’m having a hard time learning these days too.
Last time, I posted a collection of Excel shortcut keys.
(If you need a collection of Excel shortcut keys, please click. (PDF file attached)

There are as many types of Excel functions as there are Excel shortcut keys.
That’s why I think there are many people who attend Excel academy.
However, going to an academy doesn’t teach you Excel functions for you haha.
In the end, you have to memorize it yourself, but it’s not easy.

So what we have prepared today is a summary of the cleanest Excel functions!
I think you can master most Excel functions with just this sign.
I hope this helps.
Then, the cleanest Excel function in the world ㄱㄱ~ ㄱㄱ~

Summary of the cleanest Excel functions

1. Date and time functions
2. Numbers, mathematical functions
3. String function
4. Logical functions
5. Conditions, database functions
6. Statistical functions
7. Find reference area function

Summary of Excel functions 1. Date and time functions

DATE: Function to input date
TODAY: Function to input the current date

Summary of Excel functions 2. Number and math functions

Summary of Excel functions 3. String functions

LEFT/RIGHT: Returns the specified number of characters from the start and end of the value.

Summary of Excel functions 4. Logical functions

Summary of Excel functions 5. Conditions, database functions

Summary of Excel functions 6. Statistical functions

SUM: Function to calculate the sum of each cell
=SUM(NUMBER1,NUMBER2) A function that can be obtained by selecting or dragging the desired cell

AVERAGE: Function to calculate the average of each cell
=AVERAGE(NUMBER1,NUMBER2) A function that can be obtained by dragging the cells for which the average is to be calculated.

COUNT: Function that counts the number of cells with numbers
=COUNT(A1:A7) A function that can be obtained by specifying the desired cell range (the cell range must be a number)

Summary of Excel functions – 7. Find reference area function

(sine, cosine are mathematical functions)

Excel function summary 8-1. engineering functions

Excel function summary 8-2. engineering functions

Summary of Excel functions 8-3. engineering functions


There are so many Excel functions.
It may be difficult to find function shortcuts each time you work in Excel.
It is organized in a table like this, so please refer to it when necessary.
Excel functions that can save you time!
​Be sure to use the Excel function summary post to learn and use it!

If you need a PDF file of the Excel shortcut key collection, download it here.

Excel function summary.pdf

This concludes my post on the Excel shortcut key collection.
Have fun and have a nice day everyone 🙂

If you need a collection of Excel shortcut keys, please click here~
This is the cleanest collection of Excel shortcuts. (pdf file attached)
This is the cleanest collection of Excel shortcuts. (pdf file attached) Hello. This is Nonnom. The weather is really nice these days. Now that the general election is over and the coronavirus is somewhat under control, I just want to go out and have fun somewhere. Excel is really difficult. me too..
Subscription heart cheering comments are always welcome~♥

엑셀 함수 정리
