여권정보증명서 발급방법 How to issue a passport information certificate

A passport information certificate is an essential document when using a passport as an ID.여권정보증명서 발급

여권정보증명서 발급

This article will provide detailed information on how to issue a passport information certificate and its necessity.

What is a passport information certificate?

A passport information certificate is an official document used to verify the resident registration number of a passport holder,

which has become even more important since December 21, 2020, when the last digits of the resident registration number were no longer recorded on the passport.

This document is required for all citizens who wish to use a passport as an ID,

and is used to prove their identity in various situations.

Necessity of a passport information certificate

A passport information certificate is becoming increasingly important for the following reasons:

Identity verification: When using a passport as an ID, it may be difficult to verify your identity because the last part of the resident registration number is missing. In this case, a passport information certificate allows for accurate identification.

Completion of administrative obligations: When using a passport as an ID in various public institutions or private companies, submission of this document is mandatory. Therefore, it is important to prepare a passport information certificate in advance. Guaranteeing Citizens’ Rights: The passport information certificate serves a public function and serves as the data necessary for citizens to exercise their rights.

Passport Information Certificate Issuance Methods
Passport information certificates can be issued through a variety of channels,

and each method offers specific advantages:

1. Passport Offices
You can apply for a passport information certificate by directly visiting passport offices and agencies located throughout the country.

In this case, you can receive guidance from public officials, which allows for safe and quick processing.

Some agencies now operate a reservation system.

2. Overseas Missions
Citizens abroad can obtain a passport information certificate through the Korean embassy or consulate in the relevant country.

In this case, it is recommended that you prepare the necessary documents in advance.

3. Unmanned Issuance Machines
In certain areas, unmanned issuance machines are operated where you can automatically receive a passport information certificate.

The advantage is that you can receive the document quickly through a simple procedure.

4. Government24
This is a route where you can apply online. After signing up, you can easily apply

and conveniently receive it from home.

Issuing online has the advantage of minimizing time constraints.

5. Overseas Koreans 365
Overseas Koreans can apply for a passport information certificate through the ‘Overseas Koreans 365’ service.

This service provides special support for overseas Koreans.

Things to note when applying as a non-member
Passport information certificates can be applied for as a non-member as well.

However, when applying as a non-member, you must go through an additional authentication process through simple authentication or a certificate (joint, financial, etc.).

Therefore, signing up as a member increases accessibility to various services,

and has the advantage of being easier to use.


Passport information certificates are a very important element for all citizens who travel or engage in international activities.

Those who plan to use their passports as identification should definitely prepare this document.

It is important to check the information required for issuance in advance and apply through the appropriate channel.

In particular, you can apply quickly and easily through institutions such as Government24,

and those who are overseas can receive useful help through overseas missions.

We have prepared this information to help you clearly understand the information you need,

and save unnecessary time.

We hope you enjoy more opportunities through the passport information certificate!