여행적금 추천 4가지 4 travel savings recommendations

This is the year when travel begins in earnest.



Sign up for savings and go on a trip.

Let’s look for savings accounts that offer high interest rates. Even in January, there were many special offers on savings interest rates. The benefits were reduced further in February.

Let’s find out which bank has the highest interest rate.

1. Woori Bank
– Woori Bank First Fixed Deposit

Preferential interest rate: 3% basic interest rate, 3% interest rate per annum for 12 months, 6% interest rate

Woori Bank interest rate
Woori Bank First Fixed Deposit Annual Maximum 6%
Preferential conditions: Customer benefits without deposit transactions for 1 year (3% additional preference)

Savings limit: 500,000 won or less

Maturity amount: KRW 500,000 If savings are maintained for 12 months, maturity amount is KRW 6,195,000 before tax and KRW 6,164,970 after tax.


– Woori Bank WON Savings

Preferential interest rate: Basic 4%, 0.1% for registration of our open banking service, 0.1% for WON account connection, 4.2% interest rate per year for 12 months

Woori Bank interest rate
Woori Bank WON Savings 4.2% per annum
Preferential conditions: existing customer benefits

Savings limit: Up to 500,000 won per month

Maturity amount: KRW 500,000 When maintaining savings for 12 months, the maturity amount is KRW 6,136,500 before tax and KRW 6,115,479 after tax based on general taxation.


2. Shinhan Bank
– Shinhan Bank Solmanhae Savings Savings

Preferential interest rate: Basic 1.5% preferential interest rate 3.5% 12 month interest rate 5% per annum

Shinhan Bank interest rate
Salmanhae savings account 5% per annum
Preferential conditions: Customers who newly signed up for SOL Bank / Benefits for customers who do not log in to SOL Bank during the period of (savings subscription month – 5) months – (savings subscription month – 2) months (2% additional preferential treatment) / Log in to SOL Bank once a month ( 0.1% per year preference) Up to 10 months (1% per year) / When you receive news from SOL Bank (0.5% per year preference)

Savings limit: 300,000 won or less

Sales limit: 300,000 units in total

Maturity amount: KRW 300,000 If savings are maintained for 12 months, maturity amount is KRW 3,697,500 before tax and KRW 3,682,485 after tax.


– Shinhan Bank Smart Savings

Preferential interest rate: 3.6% basic interest rate, 4.2% interest rate for 12 months

Shinhan Bank interest rate
Shinhan Smart Savings 3.6% per annum
Preferential conditions: existing customer benefits

Savings limit: Up to 1 million won per month

Maturity amount: KRW 1 million When maintaining savings for 12 months, the maturity amount is KRW 12,234,000 before tax and KRW 12,197,964 after tax based on general taxation.


3. Kookmin Bank
Kookmin Bank savings accounts have too many requirements for preferential interest rates.

– KB ChaChaCha Savings

Preferential interest rate: 2.5%-8% per year

– Preferential savings for office workers

Preferential interest rate: 3.55%-4.45% per year

– KB Exciting Travel Savings

Preferential interest rate: 2.9%-3.9% per year


4. Industrial Bank of Korea
– Industrial Bank of Korea D-day savings

Preferential interest rate: Basic 3.85% preferential interest rate 1.5% 12 month interest rate 5.35% per annum

Industrial Bank of Korea interest rate
D-day savings 5.35% per annum
Preferential conditions: Preferential interest rate depending on goal achievement at D-day (maturity time) (1.0% per year) and first-time customer status (0.5% per year)

Savings limit: 200,000 won per month

Maturity amount: KRW 200,000 If savings are maintained for 12 months, maturity amount is KRW 2,469,550 before tax and KRW 2,458,839 after tax.


– Industrial Bank of Korea fixed deposit

Preferential interest rate: 3.4% basic interest rate, 3.4% annual interest rate for 12 months

Industrial Bank of Korea interest rate
Regular deposit 3.4% per annum
Preferential conditions: None

Savings limit: 10,000 won or more

Maturity amount: KRW 200,000 If savings are maintained for 12 months, maturity amount is KRW 2,444,200 before tax and KRW 2,437,393 after tax.


5. K Bank
– Code K Free Savings

Preferential interest rate: 4.3% basic interest rate, 4.3% annual interest rate for 12 months

K Bank Interest Rate
Code K Free Savings 4.3% per annum
Preferential conditions: None

Savings limit: 300,000 won per month

Maturity amount: KRW 300,000 If savings are maintained for 12 months, maturity amount is KRW 3,683,850 before tax and KRW 3,670,937 after tax.


6. Kakao Bank
– Free savings

Preferential interest rate: Basic 3.7% preferential interest rate 0.2% 12 month interest rate 3.9% per annum

Kakao Bank interest rate
Free savings 3.9% per annum
Preferential conditions: None (automatic transfer preferential interest rate of 0.2% per annum when maturity is achieved)

Savings limit: 3 million won per month

Maturity amount: KRW 300,000 If savings are maintained for 12 months, maturity amount is KRW 3,676,050 before tax and KRW 3,664,338 after tax.


This is a comparison of commercial bank savings.

New transactions have the most benefits.

If you put in more money or extend the period, the interest rate is often higher, so the benefits are better.

Taking advantage of new bank benefits may result in slightly higher interest rates.