예스24 크레마클럽 해지 Yes24 book club ebook (mobile, pc) and cancellation method

Have you tried e-books? I also like paper books more than ebooks, but to carry paper books on a hot day like these days, I have to carry a backpack or use an eco bag, which is very inconvenient. 예스24 크레마클럽 해지

예스24 크레마클럽 해지

Still, for those who think books are paper books, if you go to YES24, there are cute handbook-sized books that stimulate your desire to buy them.

I like ebooks that can be freely viewed anywhere with a smart device. I used the Kyobo Book Center ebook and Yes24 ebook, but today I will look into the use of the Yes24 Book Club. If you are curious about Sam, the Kyobo Book Center ebook service, you can see it at the link below. 비지니스헬퍼


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Yes24 Book Club ebook review and cancellation reservation
YES24 Book Club

Yes24 Book Club is Yes24’s e-book subscription service. With a monthly subscription for one month, you can use it much cheaper than Kyobo Bookstore, Lidi Books, or Millie’s Library. Details on pricing can be found below.


In the YES24 mobile app

You can freely use the book club in the Yes24 ebook app. The composition of the application is largely divided into two types: my bookshelf and book club. If you select a book you want to see in the book club, you can check and read it on the bookshelf.


If you download a font within the app, you can change the font as well. In addition, e-books in EPUB files have a larger capacity, but they also support a function to reduce eye fatigue by darkening the background screen. There are no other unusual features, and there was no inconvenience in using it.


In YES24 pc viewer

Yes24 PC Viewer can be installed simply by pressing the button at the bottom of the book club homepage. There is no separate application like Kyobo Book Center, and Crema Luna is used.


It’s not uncomfortable at all to use, but I felt a little stiff in the design. Response is a little slow, but that’s okay. As with mobile, the background screen can be darkened to reduce eye fatigue.


If you select and download a book in the Book Club category, you can check it in My Library. I think it’s a little cumbersome, but it’s understandable because the rates are cheap. But I wonder why they made it this way.


book club price

There are a total of 3 book club plans. Personally, I recommend the Standard 55 rate plan the most, and next, for those who want to bundle music streaming services at an affordable price, I recommend the Book Club PLO 99 rate plan.


The Standard 55 rate plan is a rate plan that allows only basic e-book use, and is the cheapest in Korea with unlimited use of EBOOK at KRW 5,500 per month.

Unlike the Standard 77 plan, you can receive book club money, which is said to be available when purchasing books. However, it is not recommended because there is a limit that you can use all of the book club money you received without restrictions, but you can use it to some extent per certain amount.


For the 99 rate plan, you can use FLO unlimitedly for an additional 4,400 won on top of the standard rate plan of 5,500 won. For about 4,400 won, it is similar to the price of an event on a music site, so it has the advantage of not living a nomadic life.


In my case, I haven’t paid for music streaming recently. Because I found a free music streaming app. If you pay money every month and use the music site, click the link below. You can save 5,000 won per month.


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How to cancel a book club
The Yes24 book club offers first-time users one month free access. However, you must apply for cancellation of the book club separately. I had no intention of canceling because I was going to use it constantly. However, I was surprised to receive an email saying that payment will be made in 3 days.


Usually, it happens that the payment is made without even knowing the mouse or the bird. Especially melon. Anyway, if you look at the e-mail you received, there is a kind button to go to cancellation reservation, so click it and the YES24 cancellation reservation page will open.


There are not many types of the latest e-books compared to others, but there are many books worth reading, although they are not new, and they are about 1/2 cheaper, so I think they are worth using.