오메가 3 부작용 “Eat it once and eat it right!” Let’s learn about the benefits and side effects of Omega 3… What is the recommended daily amount? < Health < Life < Text of article - Culture News

오메가 3 부작용Omega-3 is a type of unsaturated fatty acid that is found in large quantities in blue-backed fish. It protects cells in the body, maintains their structure, and helps smooth metabolism. DHA and EPA, which are commonly known to improve hair growth, are both omega-3 fatty acids. It is an essential component of the cell membranes of the brain and eyes, and has the effect of suppressing blood film formation, promoting bone formation, and strengthening bones.
Because it is quickly absorbed into the body and excreted easily, it increases the level of high-density cholesterol that is good for the body and lowers the level of bad low-density cholesterol that clogs blood vessels. It also lowers neutral fat levels, lowering the risk of developing heart disease and blood disease, and reducing symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
Omega-3 is divided into plant-based and animal-based, but most side effects occur with animal-based omega-3. This is because many fish are exposed to heavy metals due to environmental pollution, so you should consider whether they are of vegetable or animal origin before consuming them.
Additionally, you should be careful not to consume more than 1000mg of the daily recommended amount. If you have liver disease or hepatitis, it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking it as it may cause side effects such as bleeding.

“Eat it once and eat it right!” Let’s learn about the benefits and side effects of Omega 3… What is the recommended daily amount?
Unsaturated fatty acid ‘Omega 3’ contained in blue fish
We need to consider vegetable and animal origin
Recommended daily dose: 1000mg… Those with liver disease should consult a doctor before taking.
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