오메가 3 효능 USA, ‘Omega-3’ has no cancer prevention effect – KATI Agricultural and Food Export Information

오메가 3 효능‘Omega-3’ fatty acid, which can be consumed through fish, is excellent for heart disease, but it has been shown to have no particular effect on preventing cancer.

On the 24th, research institute RAND announced the results of a study on ‘Omega-3’ fatty acid, which was conducted by mobilizing scholars and related books published over the past 40 years.

Dr. Catherine McLean, who led the study, said, “Contrary to what was previously known, we confirmed that regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids has no significant effect in preventing cancer.” “On the contrary, we found that omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of cancer.” “We have reached the conclusion that there is,” he said.

He continued, “On the contrary, it was discovered that it has a great effect on heart disease.” He added, “The established academic opinion that regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids has a great effect on some types of cancer, such as breast cancer, and the countless related medicines that have been released are all wrong. “He concluded.

LA aT Center (Source: Joongangusa)

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오메가 3 효능
