오픽 등급표 Summary of OPIC ratings

오픽 등급표OPIC study/OPIC test information
There are a total of 9 levels of OPIC ratings. Let’s look at each grade level and information. This is basic information about OPIC, and it is recommended that you know it if you are preparing for the exam. It’s basic information, but many people don’t know it.

It is divided into a total of 9 levels from NH to AL.
As shown in the table above, the OPIC rating system is structured from NL to AL. The IM grade is divided into three levels.
NL and NM are rarely evaluated. It may be helpful to look at the OPIC grade distribution information.

You can compare OPIC grades with grades from other English tests.
– 2022 language score conversion table [Comparison of New Tests, TOEIC, TOEFL, OPIC]
– 2022 language score conversion table [Comparison of Toss, TOEIC, OPIC]

In the case of companies, there are often separate standards for in-house language proficiency levels.
In the case of Samsung, there is a separate Samsung OPIC rating system.

There are grading and evaluation guidelines for each grade.
If you refer to it once, it can be of great help in preparing for the exam.
Evaluation guidelines for each OPIC grade [ACTFL Notice]
We will inform you of the evaluation guidelines for each OPIC level. This content is a summary of the content provided by the ACTFL OPIC test organizer. It would be a good idea to refer to this to prepare for the OPIc exam. First, I will explain the NH level.

You must prepare according to the ACTFL official assessment guidelines.
It is efficient to study only at the level required for each grade.

IL-IM2 guidebook and Word script file.
It consists of content optimized for the level required by the applicable grading guidelines.

The IM2-IH guidebook and Word script file have also been written with content tailored to the level required for the exam.
Recommended for those who want to obtain an OPIC level with minimal time investment.

You have confirmed the OPIC basic level information. Looking at the official evaluation guidelines for each level can be of great help in preparing for the exam. Many people often waste their energy by studying too much or under-preparing for the test beyond what is required. Knowing standards and degrees is one of the most important things.
We share the know-how we have accumulated through self-study from NH to AL. I hope it will be helpful to everyone, including office workers who don’t have time, job seekers, and those scheduled to graduate.
Opik Mansur M
Opik Mansur M
Opik Mansur M
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