올크레딧 무료신용조회 Free credit check kcb all credit, nice nice score check

I am writing this review after using two sites, Nice and All Credit, where free credit inquiries are available to check your credit rating while thinking about a loan.
Note that the scores on the two sites are different!
I recommend trying both

올크레딧 무료신용조회

What is a credit rating? 올크레딧 무료신용조회
A rating evaluated by a credit rating agency (NICE rating information & all credit) for each individual’s creditworthiness.

In the modern financial society, there are more credit transactions than cash transactions, so the credit rating is whether you can trust this person and lend money. 이베이스매뉴얼

In the case of a credit transaction, it is determined by combining the presence or absence of arrears, the amount, period, and debt.

High credit scorers of grades 1-2 can easily issue credit cards with sound credit transactions and receive low-interest bank loans.
It is said that the probability of being rejected for a loan or card issuance increases from grades 7-8.

It is said that more than half of the people with high credit rating above 3 or higher, and most of the first-time social workers start from grades 5-6 because there is no previous data.

credit rating table
In general, for loans from 1 financial institution, the level 6 is called the margin line.
In the financial sector, it is said that when a loan is reviewed, credit ratings are checked in these two places and then a loan is decided.

Check your credit rating
Free inquiry can be directly viewed 3 times a year on Nice Jimmy and All Credit sites (limited to once every 3 quarters per year)

Toss, Kakao Bank, Kakao Pay, Bank Salad, Payco -> All credit results are displayed.

SBI Savings Bank Cider Bank, KT pass ->
Nice (nice evaluation information) results are queried.

Because it is better to inquire directly at a credit rating agency than toss or something like this (the toss score is different)
I looked it up in both Nice Jerk Me and All Credits! (Different scores appear.)

I had to install a security program to check it on my PC, so I went through mobile.

Check your credit rating on Nice Jerk Me
1. Search for Nice Jerk Me on Naver and access it.

2. Click the free nationwide credit inquiry at the bottom.

3. Apply for free credit inquiry for all citizens (members)

4. Membership & Login

5. Sign up After logging in, you will be asked to verify your I-PIN.

I didn’t have an i-Pin and I didn’t know what it was, so I wandered around for a while.
Still, it was easy because Nice Ji Kimmy kindly explained how to do it.
When I first saw the all credits, I was embarrassed

As credit rating is important personal information, authentication is required once again with i-PIN. I-PIN is like a ID number.
Because there have been too many leaks of resident registration numbers, it means that the authentication is done once more.

I didn’t have an i-Pin, so I made one…. (It’s cumbersome… lol)

Enter user information in i-PIN as described below and
Authenticate and sign up

Create two passwords and log in with I-PIN authentication

After you verify yourself
My hidden credit information is revealed.
How many times have you been authenticated? Still, my information is precious.

Credit card opening information, which is the basis for credit evaluation;
Overdue information, loan information, etc.

Credit check records are also displayed. It seems to be a record queried by a financial company for a loan or card issuance

The score is 2nd grade 881 points!

Checking your credit information on All Credits
I decided to try it on all credits too.

1. Search and access Naver in the same way.

2. Click on Free Credit Inquiry for all citizens at the bottom

3. Click View Member View

Same as Nice Jerk Me
4. Sign up for membership – If you authenticate with the registered I-PIN number, you will receive a higher score.

hey this is 950 rank 1
The calculation criteria must be something different, but it is said that financial institutions refer to both.

* You must pay a separate service fee for credit change details.

* There is a saying that doing a credit check will lower your credit rating, but if you do it within a total of three times a year, once a quarter, which are provided free of charge by these credit rating agencies, you do not have any problems with your credit rating.

* The most important thing in maintaining, managing, and raising your credit rating is that there is no ‘delinquency’.
Strict management seems to be necessary so that even a small amount is never overdue.