우체국 익일특급 시간 post office and people

우체국 익일특급 시간regular mail? registered? Next day special?
Organize in an easy-to-understand way!

When sending domestic mail, which postal system do you choose? When you go to the post office, the rates and delivery times vary depending on the size and weight of the mail, and the names such as regular mail/semi-registered/regular mail/next-day express/same-day express are confusing. Today, I’m going to do a simple summary of the puzzling and confusing domestic postage system.
1. Regular mail
The mail we generally send is called ‘regular mail’. It is characterized by low rates. The standard charge is 300 won up to 5g, 330 won over 5g up to 25g, and 350 won from 25g to 50g. Delivery takes 3 to 4 days from the day after receipt (excluding weekends and holidays). It is 350 won by applying a postcard (charges from 25g to 50g in a standard envelope).

2. Semi-registration
Semi-registered mail is sent like regular mail, but notifies the recipient whether it has arrived or not. The fee is 1,000 won, which is cheaper than registered mail, and it is a postal system that is widely used by people because it is possible to know whether it has been accurately delivered to the recipient. The delivery period is the same as regular mail.3. registered mail
Registered mail is a system that allows the post office to inquire the records from receipt of mail to delivery to the recipient in order to guarantee safe delivery of mail, and to prevent loss accidents. The fee for registered mail to know if it has arrived at the recipient is 1,800 won (standard size) per mail. Excluding weekends and holidays, it will take about 2-3 days from the next day after receipt.

4. Same-day express
Same-day express is a fast system that delivers on the same day that the application is received, so be sure to check the post office application deadline. It usually closes in the morning. The express delivery time on the same day is within 20:00 on the day of application, and +2,030 won is added to the registration fee. (Based on standard)
Please note that there are areas where same-day delivery is difficult and handling is restricted among the same-day express handling areas, so be sure to check this. Areas where same-day express service is available can be inquired at the Internet post office. (https://parcel.epost.go.kr/general.RetrieveSidoInfo.parcel)

5. next day express
Next-day express is delivered the next day after receipt. However, Jeju, Eup, and Myeon areas may take longer to ship. +500 won is added to the regular registration fee.

※ Good to know!

What is the difference between same-day express and next-day express?
For same-day express and next-day express, “same-day express” arrives on the day of receipt. The “next-day express” means that the item arrives the next day after reception. Mail that arrives on the day of application is more expensive.

Before going to the post office, what site to check postage rates in advance?
After entering the standard, weight, and quantity for each postal system, you can inquire about rates.

So far, I have summarized the domestic postal rate system. For more detailed information on size, size, and weight, you can contact the Internet Post Office (https://www.epost.go.kr/main.retrieveMainPage.comm) or the Post Office Customer Center at 1588-1300.
The postage system of the post office that is helpful to know! Be sure to remember. Please use the post office quickly and conveniently.


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우체국 익일특급 시간
