운전적성정밀검사 Korea Transportation Safety Authority’s detailed driving aptitude test qualification maintenance test statistics – Gimi Nine (CSV)

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Statistical data on qualification maintenance tests that must be taken by elderly drivers aged 65 years or older among commercial transportation workers
The qualification maintenance test consists of a viewing angle test, traffic light test, arrow test, road finding test, sign test, tracking test, and complex functional test.
The visual angle test is a test for visual ability factors that accurately identifies stimuli visible in the peripheral vision while fixating the gaze at the center of the screen. Implemented 32 times in total
The traffic light test is a test of visual-motor coordination factors. It involves driving down the road by pressing the accelerator pedal and immediately pressing the brake pedal when the traffic light turns red or a danger sign appears on the screen. Implemented a total of 15 times
The arrow test is a test for attentional interference resistance factors. Arrows in the left and right directions are randomly presented on the left and right sides of the screen. The test is performed by pressing the button corresponding to the same direction as the arrow shown. The presented conditions are 2 conditions: match and mismatch, and are conducted a total of 60 times.
The road finding test is a test for spatial judgment factors. There are several roads intertwined on the screen, and it is a test that quickly finds which road a car located at the starting point of the road should take to get to the garage. Implemented a total of 20 times
The sign test is a test of visual memory factors. When a traffic safety sign is presented on the screen, you must remember it and find the same traffic safety sign. Also, when a road sign is presented, you must memorize it and find the direction to go to a specific area. The presented conditions are two conditions: traffic safety signs and road signs, and are implemented a total of 30 times.
The tracking test is a test for attention span and tracking factors. When a person is in one of the five cars, the cars drive randomly on the road and then stop. This test searches for the car with the person on board. The presented conditions are 4 conditions depending on the level of difficulty, and are conducted a total of 12 times.
The complex function test is a test for complex function factors. It is a test that involves manipulating the car to proceed while avoiding obstacles and pressing a reaction button every time you hear the number 7, or pressing a reaction button that matches the color of the circle presented at the top of the screen. am.

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