유튜브 검색기록 삭제 How to delete YouTube search history and YouTube viewing history (automatic deletion settings)

유튜브 검색기록 삭제How to delete YouTube search history and YouTube viewing history (automatic deletion settings) – When using YouTube, there are times when recommended videos keep showing unwanted videos. Also, you may enter something incorrectly or have search history that you would like to delete after searching. In this article, we will learn how to delete YouTube search history and YouTube viewing history, and learn how to set automatic deletion.

To delete YouTube search history one by one, first touch the search box once and you will be able to see the search terms you have searched so far.
If you touch the search term you want to delete and wait without releasing it, will it be deleted from your search history? You can see the message: When you press the delete button, the search term will be deleted from your search history.

This time, I will delete my YouTube viewing history.

1. Touch Library at the bottom of the YouTube app.

2. Select View all in the history section at the top.

3. When you touch the dotted icon in the upper right corner of the recording screen, a menu will pop up.

4. You can clear your viewing history using the Clear Viewing History menu. If you clear your YouTube viewing history, recommended videos, etc. will be reset.

1. In the YouTube app, touch the personal icon in the upper right corner.

2. On the personal profile screen, touch the Settings button.

3. In Settings, select Manage full history.

4. Select an account. (If you have multiple accounts, select the account you want to set up.)

5. You can view the YouTube history page. YouTube history includes both search history and viewing history. On the history screen, by pressing the delete button in the middle of the screen, you can easily delete YouTube viewing history or YouTube search history by selecting Delete today / Delete data for a custom period / Delete all data.

6. If you do not set up YouTube records separately, all records will continue to accumulate and YouTube will recommend videos that are more to your taste. If you want your information to be deleted after a certain period of time to protect your personal information, you can select the period for deletion by clicking Auto Delete.
Automatic deletion can be selected in 3-month, 18-month, or 36-month increments, and the default setting is 36 months.

If you want to set it so that it is not saved at all without deleting your search or viewing history every time, you can set it as follows on the YouTube history page.

1. On the YouTube history page, select the Control tab.

2. Touch the disable button in the middle.

3. On the YouTube recording pause page, touch the pause button at the bottom of the screen.

In this article, we learned how to delete YouTube search history and viewing history. It has been Antenna Bear so far.

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