음주운전 신고 포상금 Summary of rewards for reporting drunk driving! : Naver Blog

음주운전 신고 포상금2020. 5. 13. 18:24

Do you get a reward of 100,000 won if you report drunk driving?

After reading an article about a reward for reporting drunk driving, I became curious, so I would like to know if there is a reward system and how much the reward is.
As a result, although there is a reward system for reporting drunk driving, it is very difficult to receive the reward.

Example of reward for reporting drunk driving
Kookmin Shinmungo, Naver Knowledge in

Opinions are very divided on whether or not there is a reward for reporting drunk driving, but for accurate information, I contacted 182 (police complaint call center), the police station’s traffic investigation department, and the Kookmin Shinmun Center.

I don’t know because it’s not the department in charge.
I was confused by the answer that it seemed to exist but had never been implemented, but I looked on the Internet and saw many inquiries about the reward for reporting drunk driving, so I was curious as well.
I would like to thank the police officer for looking into the details.

First, looking at a case registered in the Kookmin Shinmungo in April 2020, the question was asked about whether it would be possible to receive a reward if there was a reward system and a feeling of pride after reporting a drunk driving vehicle, and this is the answer from the Suwon West Police Station of the Southern Provincial Police Agency in Gyeonggi-do.

The basis for the reporting reward is National Police Agency Notice No. 2019-3 [Regulations on Compensation for Persons of Meritorious Service, such as the Arrest of Criminals].
It is paid to those who have made meritorious contributions in accordance with prescribed laws or enforcement ordinances.

In the case of the complainant, if it is confirmed that the reported content falls under Article 148-2 of the Road Traffic Act and drunk driving,
The response is, “After the conclusion of the investigation, we will check the results of the disposition and decide whether or not to pay based on the results.”

The Daejeon Eastern Police Station responded that they only pay rewards in connection with hit-and-run traffic accidents that result in personal injury.

I was confused about which system was right for me, so I called several places and found out that each office has a different system.
For example, the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency said that starting in April, there will be no reward for reporting drunk driving, but only rewards related to hit-and-run.

Also, report drunk driving as a decisive clue.
When a drunk driver is investigated and punished, the reward is reviewed and the government budget is reviewed.
They say they will pay a reward, but they say the budget is running out these days due to the coronavirus.

Information about the reward for reporting a hit and run
As with drunk driving, a reward is paid to the reporter who played a decisive role in arresting the driver.
Payment is made after review by the local office following deliberation and resolution.
The exact amount of the reward varies depending on the situation, as the reward amount varies depending on the standards notified by the National Police Agency.
Please check with your local department for accurate information.

Lastly, to summarize
Each office has a reward system for reporting drunk driving.
Even if you receive a reward of about 100,000 won, the process is complicated.
It is said that the local traffic safety department is in charge.

A reward system for reporting hit-and-runs is in effect.
The reward amount is similar to reporting a drunk driver.
Likewise, it can only be received after receiving conclusive information and going through various procedures.

You are not reporting or reporting to receive a reward.
I wanted to provide information with the goal of preventing serious accidents caused by drunk driving, but it was very frustrating to hear the answers given by each department.

There may be cases where people in charge suffer damage after seeing incorrect posts on the Internet, but I hope people report for the purpose of creating a healthy society rather than reporting for the sake of a reward!

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