인터넷 우체국 내용 증명 How to fill out a certificate of contents and send it at the Internet Post Office – EcoDang

인터넷 우체국 내용 증명 Content certification is a system in which the post office publicly certifies the author of the document, the other party, and the time of writing. In general, there are a lot of things about default or breach of contract. After you write down the details of your loss and the demands you make to the other party, the post office sends you a certificate of contents, and the post office keeps the details and the time of writing as a record.

Although proof of content does not have legal effect, it serves to force the other party to fulfill the contract. It also serves as a document proving your specific damages and your efforts to prevent them, so if you go to a future lawsuit, it also has the effect of evidence.

A total of 3 copies of the proof of contents are written. Then, one copy is kept by the sender, another copy is kept by the post office, and the other copy is sent to the other party.

The post office keeps the certificate of contents for three years, and during the storage period, the creator can view or reissue the certificate of contents at any time.

There is no special format for writing a proof of contents. The content of the contract and the fact of damage caused by non-fulfillment of the contract should be written simply and clearly under the principle of 6ha. It doesn’t matter if you use terms such as a high note, reminder, notice, etc., if necessary.

If the number of pages exceeds 2 pages, you must seal each page. In case of a case, it would be better to write it down carefully without omitting the fact that it can be used as evidence in a lawsuit.

It is common to go directly to the post office to send proof of contents. However, these days, you can also file a content certification online.

After filling out a total of 3 contents certificates, visit the post office. If you give the certificate of content to the postal worker, one copy will be returned to the creator, one copy will be kept by the post office, and the other copy will be sent to the other party by registered mail. At this time, the author can check whether the proof of contents has arrived to the other party through the registration number.

If you use the Internet post office, you can easily send proof of contents.

① Access the Internet Post Office (https://www.epost.go.kr/) and click ‘Mail > Certification Service > Content Certification’ from the top menu.

internet post office website

② The content verification screen appears.
If you need a proof of contents form, scroll down a little and click the ‘Download proof of contents’ button at the bottom right. You may attach this document later as an attachment,
You can fill out the form by clicking the ‘Apply’ button.

Click the ‘Apply’ button.

Application for proof of contents

③ The login screen appears. I will apply as a non-member.
You must agree to the terms and verify your identity with your mobile phone or i-PIN.

log in

④ After that, fill in the address of the sender and recipient, and press the ‘Create Text’ button at the bottom.

Application screen for proof of contents

⑤ After filling out the body of the proof of content, pay the cost on the payment screen, and you’re done.

It may be returned because the recipient does not live in the address or has not received the proof of contents for various reasons. In this case, go to the community center with the returned certificate of contents, ID card, documents proving interest, such as an IOU, lease contract, or judgment, and apply for the recipient’s ‘Resident Registration Card View or Copies of Copies’ application. You can find out the address where the recipient finally reported moving in from the recipient’s resident registration copy, and you can resend the certificate of contents there.

If, even after doing this, if the proof of contents does not reach the recipient, ‘service by public notice’ is required. Prepare the returned certificate of contents, identification card, documents proving the relationship between the sender and the recipient, a non-residence confirmation letter, and an erased copy of the card, and apply at the court having jurisdiction over the recipient’s last address.

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인터넷 우체국 내용 증명

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