자동차세 조회방법 및 납부방법 How to check and pay car tax

Car tax is a property tax on cars owned and is subject to comprehensive taxation, including charges for road use and environmental pollution. Car tax is levied depending on the characteristics of the car you own, and we will look into information on when to pay and how to get discounts.


자동차세 조회

자동차세 조회

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Car tax inquiry
Car tax inquiry, payment and discount tips
1. When and how to pay automobile tax
Car tax is paid twice a year. First, the first installment is paid in June, and the second installment is paid in December. Basically, automobile tax can be paid from June 16 to June 30 and from December 16 to December 31. However, if the annual tax amount is less than 100,000 won, payment is only required in June.

If the tax amount is overdue, an additional penalty of 3% of the local tax amount will be imposed from the day the payment due date passes, so it is important to strictly adhere to the payment schedule.

Car tax inquiry
Car tax inquiry
Car tax inquiry
2. Automobile tax calculation method
Automobile tax varies depending on vehicle type and engine displacement, and for passenger cars, the tax rate varies depending on engine displacement. The tax amount is determined mainly by dividing it into commercial and non-commercial use, and the tax amount is set lower for commercial passenger vehicles.

The tax calculation criteria are as follows:

For commercial use (passenger car):
1,600cc or less: 18 won/cc
Below 1,600~2,500cc: 19 won/cc
Over 2,500cc: 24 won/cc
Non-commercial (passenger vehicles):
1,000cc or less: 80 won/cc
1,600cc or less: 140 won/cc
Over 1,600cc: 200 won/cc
In the case of electric vehicles, automobile tax is set at a single tax rate due to their low engine displacement.

Car tax inquiry
Car tax inquiry
Car tax inquiry
3. How to check car tax
Automobile tax inquiries can be made through the Witax (WT) website. After logging in, select Car Tax Inquiry from the ‘My Wi-Tax’ menu to check the applicable tax amount.

If you live in Seoul, you can check your car tax through E-Tax (IT), and you can also check your car tax through the online tax service provided by each local government.

Car tax inquiry
Car tax inquiry
Car tax inquiry
4. Car tax discount tips
go. Car day system
If you do not drive your car on certain days of the week, you can receive a reduction in car tax by utilizing the car day system.
Discount rates vary depending on the city participating in the day of the week system, with a 10% automobile tax discount provided in Busan and a 5% automobile tax discount in Ulsan and Incheon.
You can apply through the city’s day system website or by visiting the district office or community center.
Car tax inquiry
Car tax inquiry
Car tax inquiry
me. Annual car tax payment
If you pay your car tax once a year, you can receive an annual tax deduction.
If you pay in January, the local government in charge will send you a report with a deduction in the range of 10/100 in January of the following year.
Application for annual payment is also possible in March, June, and September, and can be applied and managed through Witax.
Car tax is an ongoing cost, but you can reduce the burden by taking advantage of various discount benefits. Smart car tax management is required through regular inquiries and discount benefits.