자동차 번호판 교체 How to replace license plate and summary of replacement cost

자동차 번호판 교체: The number plate that replaces the number plate of a car is largely divided into two types. There is a way to do a regular license plate and a license plate that is changed to one with KOR’s new Taegeuk pattern drawn on it. There is a difference in price, but the way to exchange license plates is the same.
Then, let’s look at how to replace license plates and what to prepare for replacement.

1. If you have purchased a car or the license plate has been damaged, you must visit the vehicle registration office. (Please visit a vehicle registration office close to the Internet, or refer to it as it is usually located in a city hall or district office. And, if you register by 4:30 p.m., you will not have any major problems in replacing license plates that day.)

2. If you enter the vehicle registration department building, follow the instructions after registering and fill out the application form for the vehicle registration plate reissuance receipt or vehicle registration plate issuance receipt.
※In case of car license plate replacement, ID and vehicle registration are required when visiting in person, and when visiting as a proxy, agent’s ID, copy of owner’s ID, and power of attorney are required.

3. After receiving the license plate, you can replace the license plate yourself, or you can pay a license fee and entrust the work of attaching and detaching the license plate. You can do it without difficulty because there are people who work on license plates where you register car license plates.

: There is a cost to change license plates. The price may vary slightly in each local government, but it is not a big difference, so please refer to it. The amount of the regular license plate is 28,500 won plus the auxiliary plate 15,000 won, and the newly released Taegeuk Munhyang license plate is 48,000 won plus the auxiliary plate 15,000 won. Also, if you do not attach it yourself, it may cost an additional 3,000 won for the official fee. The total cost of replacing the license plate is between 40,000 and 70,000 won.

Depending on the number of people, it can take between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes to manufacture and replace license plates. Also, please note that the license plate for construction equipment can be changed to KRW 15,000 for medium and KRW 30,000 for large vehicles.
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