장애인활동지원사 자격증 From preparing to obtaining a disability activity supporter certification!

장애인활동지원사 자격증From preparing to obtaining a disability activity supporter certification!

by luis
2021. 8. 17. 17:56

Certificate of activity supporter for the disabled

∙ Activities support system for the disabled
Supports independent living and social participation of severely disabled people who find it difficult to live their daily lives and social life alone due to physical or mental disabilities, etc.
To provide support, we provide activity assistance, visiting bathing, and visiting nursing services.

∙ Activities supporter for the disabled
As activity support personnel who provide activity assistance benefits, they undergo a training course determined by the Minister of Health and Welfare at an activity support worker training institution.
Must be a person who has completed the course.

∙ Education target
There are no educational background restrictions, anyone over the age of 18 can apply.
(※ Persons with disqualifications, such as those with mental illness, psychotropic drug addicts, incompetent persons, limited incompetent persons, and sexual violence offenders, are not eligible for support activities.)

∙ Curriculum
➀ Standard curriculum: 40 hours in total (weekdays, Monday to Friday, 09:30 to 18:00)
– No qualification restrictions
➁ Professional training course: 32 hours in total (weekdays, Monday to Thursday, 09:30 to 18:00)
– Social worker, nursing care worker, nurse, nursing assistant certificate holder: Bring a copy of the certificate during training
– Persons with more than 360 hours of experience participating in government (local government) care projects in the past year (ex: child care worker, housework helper, etc.): Bring proof of experience during training

∙ Education expenses
Standard training course 150,000 won, specialized training course 120,000 won (including textbook fee and practical training fee)

※For field training (10 hours) and employment, trainees must contact the activity support agency and make the reservation directly.

Certificate of activity supporter for the disabled

※ Professional course is exempt from Practical II (8 hours)

Activity supporter educational institution

Search for activity support project organizations

Preparing for disability activity supporter certification, searching for activity supporter training institutions


Disability activity support project


Salary of activity supporter, hourly wage of activity supporter


Activity support worker employment contract


2021.09.03 10:31
2021.09.03 11:57
2021.08.25 10:03
2021.09.03 17:17
Preparing for social welfare civil servants
Activity supporter
Activity supporter

장애인활동지원사 자격증
