정부지원 서민대출자격 Summary of qualifications and types of government-supported loans for low-income households

정부지원 서민대출자격By Kim Yun-seok, reporter
2023.01.10 17:01:38
Government-supported loans for the common people include Sunshine Loan, Sunshine Loan 15, Between Stones 2, New Hope Spore, and Smile Finance. This loan support policy is a loan product provided for the common people who cannot use bank loans due to low credit rating and income. As there are various products, loan qualifications, limits, and interest rates are different, so your loan status, income, and credit It is recommended to check the loan products that can be supported according to the grade.
Please check the list of government-supported low-income loans below and apply for a loan that suits your situation.
Sunshine Loan is a representative loan product for the low-income class, which helps low-income households to obtain loans at low interest rates.
We support livelihood funds up to KRW 15 million, and at the same time, provide refinancing loans up to KRW 30 million. Even if there is an expectation, it is possible to apply if the debt ratio is not too high.
However, since you can apply only if you have been working for more than 3 months, this product is recommended for those who are currently working with low income or credit rating.
Sunshine Loan 15 is a loan to support the common people to provide funds to those with the lowest credit inevitably using high-interest loans.
The highest legal interest rate for loan business is 20% or less, but the interest rate of Sunshine Loan 15 is 15.9%, and the interest rate is reduced by 1.5% to 3.0% every year for sincere repayment.
In addition, even if you are using other loans to support the common people, such as Sunshine Loan or New Hope Spore, you can receive additional loans, so this is a loan recommended for people with low credit.
Sunshine Loan Youth is a government-supported low-income loan for college students and young people. The basic conditions for application are also college students or young people with low annual income.
Workers who are new to society are also eligible, but they must have worked for a small or medium-sized business for less than one year to apply.
Although the youth limit for Sunshine Loan is 12 million won, you can only apply for up to 9 million won a year, and the interest rate is low at 3.6 to 4.5%.
The Standard Standing Stone 2 Loan is a savings bank’s medium-interest rate guaranteed loan product that is handled in conjunction with SGI Seoul Guarantee for the purpose of supplying medium- and low-credit loan products to customers with low and medium credit.
The Away Doll 2 Loan is a medium-interest rate loan that is recommended for office workers and self-employed people with a credit score of 350 or higher and a certain income.
The New Hope Spore Loan is one of the microfinance products designed to support the working class, such as those with low credit or those new to society.
New Hope Spore is also a medium-interest rate loan, but it has the advantage that the interest rate is much lower than that of loan products from the 2nd financial sector because it is borrowed from the 1st financial sector.
Microfinance livelihood fund loan refers to support for start-ups, operating funds, livelihood funds, housing funds, etc., without collateral or guarantee, to people with low credit who have difficulty using institutional financial companies, the next lowest class, and basic livelihood recipients.
In the case of start-up funds, different limits are applied depending on the use, and if the microfinance loan is repaid in good faith for more than one year, an additional emergency livelihood fund of up to KRW 10 million can be provided.
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정부지원 서민대출자격
