종합미용면허증 Korea Open Cyber ​​University Lifelong Education Center opens a qualification course for a bachelor’s degree in cosmetology and a comprehensive cosmetology license (cosmetologist) < Education < National News < Text of the article - Gyeongsang Ilbo

종합미용면허증This semester, starting with online classes in May, anyone with a high school diploma can apply and even obtain an associate’s degree in cosmetology. Additionally, it can be linked to the Department of Beauty and Health Design, a 4-year bachelor’s degree program at Korea Open Cyber ​​University.
Currently, special scholarship benefits such as free textbooks are provided to ease the burden of costs, and a variety of major subjects are available so you can study comfortably online. The acquisition process lasts a total of 9 months and consists of online theoretical lectures so you can proceed without worrying about practical training.
For a bachelor’s degree in cosmetology, students must complete not only major courses but also liberal arts and general courses, and for associate degrees in other majors, students can obtain a nationally recognized comprehensive hairdresser license by completing only the major required and elective courses.
A comprehensive cosmetology license is a license that can be obtained only after acquiring skills in all four fields, including hair, nails, makeup, and skin care. Once acquired, you can work in a variety of fields. In this recruitment of students, not only those who have completed a bachelor’s degree in cosmetology but also the general public interested in the cosmetology field can apply. After obtaining a certificate, you can choose a career in a variety of occupations, such as a nail salon or beauty school instructor, a hair designer at a hair shop, a nail artist at an agency, or a cultural center instructor.
The institute said, “The comprehensive cosmetology license with a bachelor’s degree in cosmetology is an essential certification in the beauty industry and is in very high demand. We will support the future of our students by providing comprehensive services such as educational courses as well as employment support and career development.”

