차대번호 조회방법 및 제조사별 사이트 How to look up vehicle identification number and sites by manufacturer

When purchasing a car or a used vehicle, obtaining information about the vehicle’s manufacturing date and specifications is an important decision. Let’s learn more about how to look up Kia’s vehicle identification number and how to check the manufacturing date and specifications.차대번호 조회

차대번호 조회

Kia car vehicle identification number search
The vehicle identification number is a unique identification number for a vehicle, and it is illegal for individuals to change it arbitrarily. The Automobile Management Act strictly stipulates that changes to the vehicle identification number are not permitted by anyone other than the automobile manufacturer, and violation of this may result in severe legal sanctions. A prison sentence of up to one year or a fine of up to 3 million won may be imposed, and counterfeiting vehicle identification numbers is considered a criminal offense primarily related to the resale of stolen or accident vehicles.

When purchasing a used car, you must make sure that the vehicle identification number written on the car registration certificate exactly matches the actual vehicle identification number. To avoid illegal activity and comply with the law, you should never attempt to change your vehicle identification number.

How to check Kia vehicle identification number
There are two ways to check the vehicle identification number of Kia Motors: searching by vehicle number on the official website and checking over the phone.

Search by vehicle number on the Kia Motors site
If it is difficult to contact the manufacturer directly, you can easily check important information using your mobile phone or computer. You can obtain detailed information through the integrated history inquiry service provided on Kia Motors’ website. You can access it through the link below.


main | KIA Members


After clicking Integrated History Search, select ‘Search for someone else’s license plate number’ and verify your identity to enable a limited search. You can check various information such as the number of used car performance inspections, insurance coverage, number of car tax delinquencies, and number of seizures.

Check your vehicle identification number by phone
Kia Motors ☎ 080-200-2000