차량기준가액 About car insurance vehicle standard value: Insurance News

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Name: Insurance News (Weekly) Ι Registration number: Seoul A04847 Ι Registration date: 1986.7.28. Ι Title: Insurance News Ι Publisher: Se-young Yoon Ι Editor: Young-min Hwang Ι Printer: Gap-gi Kim Address: 99-3 Jahamun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Ι Date of publication: July 28, 1986 Ι Phone number: 02)733-3891 Ι Person in charge of youth protection: Young-min Hwang Copyright ⓒ 2001 Insurance News. All rights reserved.Contact insweek@insweek.co.kr for more information.「Principle of Open Reporting」 To guarantee the rights of news users, including readers and reporters, our media leaves open a window for requests for rebuttals, corrections, and follow-up reports. We would like to inform you that it exists. Grievance handler Hwang Young-min 02-733-3893 ymhwang@insweek.co.kr

