청년몽땅정보통 Seoul City Recruits 20,000 Participants for 3 Million Won ‘Youth Allowance’… Targets Graduated and Unemployed < Policy/Administration/Local Autonomy < Society < Text of Article - Today Newspaper

청년몽땅정보통Those eligible to participate in the ‘Youth Allowance’, which provides support of 500,000 won per month for up to 6 months, are unemployed youth and short-term workers aged 19 to 34 years old and residing in Seoul according to resident registration as of the date of application. Applicants must not be enrolled in school or on leave of absence, have graduated with the highest level of education, and have an income of 150% or less of the median income.
If the number of applications exceeds the number of applicants, low-income young people will be selected first. Those who are recipients of basic livelihood security (recipients of livelihood, housing, medical, and education benefits), the next-lowest class, and those who receive youth allowance as income are excluded from support because they cannot receive existing welfare.
The city is revising its policy to ensure that youth allowances help young people grow on their own.
Last year’s participants who succeeded in employment and independence through the youth allowance will be appointed as mentors to help with life planning and career exploration, and management will be strengthened to ensure that the youth allowance is used effectively. Starting this year, only the youth allowance check card will be used, excluding the three major cash usage criteria such as housing expenses, living and utility expenses, and education expenses.
When using cash, supporting information must be submitted in the self-activity record prepared every month. Monitoring and verification of youth allowance use will be strengthened, and if inappropriate cash use is confirmed, measures such as suspension of youth allowance payments will be taken.
We also provide a ‘Comprehensive Self-Reliance Support Package’ of various programs to support participants from self-exploration to successful employment to help them explore their career path and prepare for employment.
Support will be strengthened to increase the success rate of employment by linking with various resources in Seoul, such as job cafes, job matching reinforcement centers, and employment academies. If you succeed in finding a job, we will continue to provide incentives such as paying half of the remaining payment in a lump sum as an employment success payment.
The city will hold a large-scale orientation event for project participants before the 29th of next month, when the youth allowance is paid. We plan to help ensure proper use in accordance with the purpose and guidelines of the youth allowance.
Participant recruitment will be accepted through the Youth All Information website from 10 a.m. on the 11th to 4 p.m. on the 18th.
Kim Cheol-hee, head of the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Future Youth Planning Division, said, “Youth Allowance is one of Seoul City’s representative youth policies that serves as a cornerstone for young people to achieve their self-directed goals. We ask that many young people who are unemployed or experiencing difficulties due to delays in entering society take interest and participate. “He said.

