청소년증 발급방법 How to make a youth ID card Internet issuance and re-issuance method Benefits

청소년증 발급방법Youth ID cards can be applied for teenagers between the ages of 9 and 18. (Because they are under 18 years old, they are eligible for issuance until they turn 19. However, teenagers who are about to turn 19 are eligible for issuance, but a youth ID card is available. You must consider the issuance period of 3 weeks to 1 month and apply by referring to the actual usable period after issuance. 
The youth themselves or their representative can apply. The standard for a representative refers to a legal representative, such as a person with parental authority, or a person who is actually protecting the youth at a youth facility. You can apply in person or online. When applying for a visit, one business card photo and an application form are required. The issuance fee is free, but if you choose to receive it by registration, a registration fee will be incurred. The issuance period takes approximately 3 to 4 weeks.
Apply online with Welfare
Pregnancy, Birth, Maternal and Newborn Health Care Selection Help View What is maternal and newborn health care? This is a government-supported service in which professionally trained maternal and newborn health care workers visit the birthing home to care for the mother and newborn.
Online applications can be made through the website link above.
Youth ID application process

Please refer to the table for the application procedure.
Youth ID card confirmation

When applying for a transportation card, you must check the available areas for each transportation card before applying, and you must receive and register for a discount to receive the benefits. Additionally, you must apply for an income deduction before using it to receive an income deduction. (Cannot be deducted retroactively)
Nearby town/myeon/dong community center
Health and Welfare Counseling Center 129

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How to make a youth ID card, online issuance and re-issuance method, benefits-related information

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