카카오택시 사용법 알아보기 Learn how to use Kakao Taxi

Recently, it has become convenient for almost all taxis to be able to be called using the Kakao T service, but for those who are used to the existing method, registering a payment method or selecting a taxi call location may feel complicated.


카카오택시 사용법

카카오택시 사용법

So, in this post, we will learn about all ways to use Kakao Taxi, starting from calling a taxi to making payments.

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4 calling methods
General call
Smart call
Blue (CESCO members)
How to use Kakao Taxi
Cash and direct payment
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4 calling methods
As of August 2021, Kakao Taxi can be called in four types and has the following features.

General call
As the name suggests, general calls, such as calling an existing call taxi or catching a taxi on the road, can be made by entering the desired location on the map, and have the advantage of not incurring a call fee.

Smart call
You have a higher chance of catching a taxi quickly during times when there are many taxi passengers. However, it has the disadvantage of incurring a fee when using it.

Blue (CESCO members)
This taxi service operated by Cesco and Kakao provides a pleasant indoor environment. You can have some peace of mind during these uncertain times due to the coronavirus, and a fee will be charged depending on your location.

This service can be used when a large number of people are traveling in a spacious multi-seat taxi. Rates vary depending on the time, and there is an advantage in being able to make a reservation.

How to use Kakao Taxi
1. Run the Kakao T app and press the taxi button.

Kakao Taxi – How to use
2. Search for the departure location on the map or move the map to adjust where you want to catch the taxi.
(You can call your parents or elders instead of where you are.)

3. Search for and specify the destination.

4. Look at the estimated price calculated based on the origin and destination, select the Kakao Taxi type described above, and press call.
(If you pay the taxi driver directly with cash or card, you can only use general calls.)

5. Click ‘Register convenient automatic payment method’ and take a photo of the card to register it.



6. Press the Apply button and wait. The taxi driver who accepted your call will arrive at your boarding location.


If the text is complicated, please refer to the video on how to use Kakao Taxi.

Cash and direct payment
Since the direct payment method is a bit hidden, there are quite a few people who think it doesn’t work.

As explained in the Kakao Taxi call method, you can only use the ‘general call’ service to pay the driver with cash or a physical card.

If you select departure and destination settings > general call and slide to the right, you can use the direct payment method as shown below.