카톡 비밀 채팅 Learn more about KakaoTalk secret chat! How to recover conversations in the PC version of KakaoTalk

When you are in the middle of a conversation on KakaoTalk, there are times when you worry about what to do if someone hacks and sees the contents of the conversation. KakaoTalk Secret Chat is a feature that relieves such concerns. It is a more secure version of the regular chat. Today, let’s look at the KakaoTalk secret chat feature.

카톡 비밀 채팅

Part 1: What is KakaoTalk secret chat?
* What is End to End Encryption technology? 카톡 비밀 채팅
* What is a ‘public key’?
Part 2: 2 Ways to Create KakaoTalk Secret Chat Rooms
1. Create a new secret chat room from the existing chat list 1분전
2. Invite friends to create a secret chat room with a new chat window
Part 3: Characteristics of KakaoTalk secret chat (advantages, disadvantages, usage)
Part 4: How to Delete KakaoTalk Secret Chats
Part 5: KakaoTalk secret chat questions
1.Can I copy or share messages in the secret chat room?
2.Can secret chats be backed up and restored?
3. Is it impossible to recover KakaoTalk conversations? HOT
Part 1: What is KakaoTalk secret chat?
KakaoTalk secret chatting is a chatting with enhanced information security than regular chatting by applying end-to-end encryption technology. Since it is impossible to decipher the chat contents only with the contents stored on the server, it is suitable for chatting that requires a strong level of information security. It is implemented using the famous end-to-end encryption and public key technology mainly used in Telegram.

* What is End to End Encryption technology?
End-to-end encryption refers to an encryption method in which the message is transmitted in an encrypted state throughout the entire process from the sender to the receiver, making it impossible to decrypt on the server. When transmitted in the usual way, the message is stored in plain text on the intermediate server, but if the server is hacked at this time, the contents of the message may be leaked. In end-to-end encryption, the message sent by the sender cannot be checked even by the server, which is an intermediate destination, and the message can be viewed only when the receiver decrypts it.

* What is a ‘public key’?
A public key is a term used in PKI technology and is one of the three keys used by secret chats. The key consists of a public key, a private key, and a secret key. The secret key is used to encrypt messages in the secret chat room. The secret key needs to be exchanged when starting a secret chat. After encryption using the secret key as the public key, the receiver decrypts using the private key. In simple terms, it refers to the technology required to encrypt messages. For those who are more interested, it would be helpful to study PKI technology.

Part 2: 2 Ways to Create KakaoTalk Secret Chat Rooms
Then, how to create this KakaoTalk secret chat room? I will introduce the following two methods.

1. Create a new secret chat room from the existing chat list
We’ll show you how to create a secret chat room just like an existing chat room.

Tap the three-bar icon in the top right corner to enter the menu.
Icon with 3 sticks
Tap [Secret Chat] under the user list.
Select secret chat
Secret chat is now available.
Secret chat screen
2. Invite friends to create a secret chat room with a new chat window
We’ll also show you how to create a new secret chat room by inviting your friends directly.

Press the speech bubble button at the top.
press the speech bubble button
Click [Secret Chat] among chat types.
Click on Secret Chat
Select the contacts you want to invite to your secret chat room.
Select the contact you want to invite
A secret chat begins. You can now share KakaoTalk secret messages.
Start secret chat
Part 3: Characteristics of KakaoTalk secret chat (advantages, disadvantages, usage)
Unable to view on KakaoTalk server: Only the contents encrypted through the public key are temporarily stored on the KakaoTalk server, so the country cannot arbitrarily inspect the contents of messages.
Mobile environment only: The secret chat function is available only on mobile, and even if there is already a chat history on mobile with secret chat, it does not appear to be linked to PC Kakao Talk secret chat.
Unable to preview: [Secret message] will be displayed in the message pop-up and chat room list, but the contents of the message will not be displayed. Likewise, photos and videos cannot be previewed in the chat room, and you have to click to run them.
Album and camera features available: Additional services provided in general KakaoTalk chat rooms, such as banking, music, and maps, are not provided in secret chat. Camera and album, the most essential features for chatting, are available.
Part 4: How to Delete KakaoTalk Secret Chats
In order to completely hide KakaoTalk chatting, you should also delete secret conversations on mobile, right? The method of deleting a KakaoTalk secret chat is the same as deleting a regular KakaoTalk chat.

Click on the icon with three bars in the upper right corner to open the menu.
Click the icon with 3 bars in the top right corner
Click the Leave button at the bottom to clear the secret chat room.
Click the exit button at the bottom
Part 5: KakaoTalk secret chat questions
1.Can I copy or share messages in the secret chat room?
Messages shared in KakaoTalk secret chat cannot be copied or shared for security reasons.

2.Can secret chats be backed up and restored?
Likewise, backup and recovery are not possible in Secret Chat. Even if you use KakaoTalk’s own backup function, the contents of secret chats are not saved.

3. Is it impossible to recover all KakaoTalk conversations?
Conversations in secret chat rooms cannot be recovered, but conversations in general chat rooms and open chat rooms can be recovered from your PC. There is a program that recovers deleted data of KakaoTalk PC version, and it is a program called Tenorshare 4DDiG. You can also restore conversations without backing up KakaoTalk normally. It quickly and accurately recovers files of various formats in various operating systems, and its usage is very simple, so anyone can use it easily.

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Run the Tenorshare 4DDiG program and select the location where the files you want to recover are located. And after selecting the desired file type, press [Scan] to start.
Choose the location where the files you want to recover are located
Choose the desired file type
A scan is in progress. If you enter a search term such as ‘kakao’ or ‘kakaotalk’ and wait for it to be scanned, it is convenient to see the scanning status of related files in real time.
kakaotalk file scan
congratulations. Now that the scan is complete, select the file you want to recover KakaoTalk conversation contents from and click the [Recover] button.
Select and recover the files you want to recover
Today, we learned how to block KakaoTalk ads. It’s a small part, but ads are bound to make you tired. So, I introduced various ways to get rid of KakaoTalk ads, hope it was helpful. Also, if KakaoTalk data is deleted, it would be good to use a good program called Tenorshare 4DDiG.