카톡 차단 확인방법 How to check KakaoTalk blocking! : Send money or check your profile picture in 10 seconds. – Quick news

카톡 차단 확인방법In the past, it was possible to confirm through remittance, but KakaoTalk blocked it, so it is no longer possible to confirm using that method.
So how do I check for KakaoTalk blocking? Let’s find out below.

First, I inquired with KakaoTalk and the results are as follows.

In other words, if you block someone, you cannot check whether they have been blocked. This means that there is no official way, but you can check it unofficially.
The commonly used functions of money transfer and friend recommendation have been blocked for a long time. Currently, it is not possible to find out using this method.
So how can you find out if KakaoTalk is blocked? Currently, there are two ways to check:

Many people say that if they are blocked on KakaoTalk, the money transfer indicator to the other party disappears.
However, sending money and blocking friends are completely unrelated.
Even if KakaoTalk is blocked, the money transfer button remains and money can be sent.
So how do we check?

If you send a KakaoTalk remittance using Kakao Pay, the money will be sent, but a message will not be sent to the other party asking whether they want to receive the money.
Therefore, if I am blocked, it will naturally be canceled after 3 days and the money will be returned.
In other words, let’s send money to the person we want to check whether they are blocked or not.
If you get it back, you’ve been blocked, otherwise your friend will either receive the money or message you again.

The most reliable method is to invite to a group chat room.
The above method will be returned even if you haven’t blocked your friend if he or she is ignoring your KakaoTalk.
So the best thing is to invite them to a group chat room.
You can create a group chat room by inviting two people: you, the friend you suspect of blocking, and a third party. If it is difficult to invite a third party, simply create a KakaoTalk sub-account.

When a group chat room is first opened, the number of members will be displayed as ‘3’.
In that situation, if I type in a chat and the number decreases to ‘2’, the blocked friend has not been invited.
In other words, if the number after entering the chat becomes ‘2’, you have been blocked, and if it remains at ‘3’, you have not been blocked.
It’s a lot simpler than you think, right? However, even if you check in this way, if you do not receive a response when you contact me personally, you will not feel very good because it means that you will not contact me.
In fact, each person has various circumstances, so they may chew up KakaoTalk. Even in my case, I don’t look at KakaoTalk when work is too difficult.
If this is the case, rather than checking like this, why not send a word of concern to your friend?

카톡 차단 확인방법

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