Set Chrome as Default Browser, Update, New Features
Chrome, the browser provided by Google these days, is optimized for the Internet and is widely used. Chrome was recently updated. Learn how to set Chrome as your default browser, updates, and new features.
1. Google Chrome web browser
2. Android version 크롬 업데이트
3. Make Chrome your default browser
4. Update Chrome
5. What’s New in Chrome
Set Chrome as default browser, update, what’s new
Set Chrome as Default Browser, Update, New Features JFactory
1. Google Chrome web browser
It has been 14 years since the Google Chrome web browser was released. In 2008, Google launched the first Chrome web browser. At the time, it was considered a miniature resource-saving program that was not fully functional and was lauded.
And to commemorate the 10th anniversary, the UX and UI have been significantly modified in the latest version of the Chrome web browser, 69. First of all, the evaluation of the new version is positive. However, there are complaints about flash autoplay and issues with frequently visited sites.
After a long and long journey to market dominance, Chrome got more features and grew in size. And finally, Chrome has firmly established itself as the absolute resource intensive data collection engine. The absolute evolution of Chrome is unstoppable.
Chrome developers are growing, adding many features to the browser that aim to evolve as they focus on improving speed, resource management, and reliability. Finally, in 2022, the Chrome web browser is loaded with new features in a new version.
2. Android version
We occasionally experience the very embarrassing case of accidentally closing multiple tabs in Chrome on our desktop. What’s New in Chrome makes it easy to find solutions. To restore a tab you didn’t actually intend to close, it’s simple. On PC, the method of opening a window that was accidentally closed is solved by pressing ctrl/cmd+shift+t.
However, in the Android version of Chrome, another problem arises. There is only a short window where you can restore a tab or group of tabs that you accidentally closed via a pop-up at the bottom, and it is very frustrating when it disappears.
3. Make Chrome your default browser
I sometimes see a case where I want to open a link shared by someone in Chrome, but it is difficult to open it in Edge. So, let’s see how to set Chrome as default browser.
If you have Chrome installed, select More (3 dots) next to your profile in the top right. If you select Settings, you will see a menu on the left, select your default browser. Just set Chrome as your default browser on the right.
If you do not have Chrome installed, simply type Download Chrome in the search bar of another browser and follow the steps above after downloading.
4. Update Chrome
If you search for Chrome in the search bar, you will find Downloads and Updates under it. If selected, Chrome will regularly check for new updates, and any available updates will be made automatically when the user closes and reopens the browser.
Let’s see why we need to keep updating.
1) Keep users safe. This increases security through automatic updates, and fixes are immediately available.
2) You can use the latest Sugle features with Chrome automatic update.
3) You will enjoy improved speed and performance.
5. What’s New in Chrome
One of the new features in Chrome is the highlight link copy feature, which also supports images and videos. The Internet is all about content sharing and has implemented powerful tools to make it possible. The developers of Chrome worked hard to provide the ability to link photos and other media. Various other new features have been added.
Thank you for visiting. We hope this story helps you to set Chrome as your default browser and how to use the new features.