토스 굴비적금 가입방법 How to sign up for Toss Oyster Savings! 6 months annual interest rate 5% What is the interest rate?

토스 굴비적금 가입방법6 months Annual interest rate 5% Installment savings How much is the interest?

Toss gulbi installment savings at a glance

Fixed deposit (free installment savings product)
Monthly savings amount up to 300,000 won
6 months contract period
5% interest rate

Gulbi installment savings released by Toss!
The interest rate is 5% per year
Only 300,000 won per month in 6 months
I was hesitant to sign up.

I haven’t had a big emergency fund lately.
I thought it was just an emergency fund
I decided to pay 300,000 won a month for 6 months!

Today, how to sign up for Toss Oyster Savings
Let’s see how much interest you’ll get. 🙂

First, if you type ‘gulbi savings’ in the toss search box
Click ‘Toss Bank Gulbi Installment Savings’ at the top

Would you like to collect money with me?

Then, the information about the product follows.
It is a regular payment and there is no initial fertility amount!

The monthly savings amount is up to 300,000 won
The term of the savings account is 6 months.

The most interesting interest rate is 5%!
If the base rate is 2% and the full 6 months
Add 3% prime interest rate.

In order to receive preferential interest rates
I have to use a card and I have to make an automatic debit.
Toss Gulbi Installment Savings is just a monthly installment
Prime rates are coming!

Interest is a lump sum payment at maturity.

As I said before, unconditionally
If you deposit for 6 months, you can get a 5% interest rate.

Until May 11, there is a friend event
Unlimited 500 won each time you invite a friend
You can get it 🙂

It is possible to pre-subtract twice.
I’m not going to use this feature…

It’s a short period of time for a small amount.
Don’t take it out, let’s keep it!!

Be sure to check if it is subject to tax exemption!

Toss gulbi installment savings interest

The most curious interest in dugudugu is…..!
It is 22,208 won after tax … heh

It’s a very modest amount
What.. would you dig up the ground and come out with 20,000 won?

If you have money to play, gulbi savings
I think you should try it too!

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