티맵 고객센터 전화번호 How to install and download TMAP TMAP Navigation Customer Center

티맵 고객센터 전화번호How to install and download TMAP TMAP navigation Customer center phone number

How to install and download TMAP TMAP navigation depends on the operating system of your smartphone.

It usually proceeds in the following order.

The TMAP navigation installation method for each operating system is as follows.
Tmap app installation download, customer center, main functions – agency, parking, electric vehicle charging, rental car
The most popular navigation app in Korea is Tmap. In the past, only SKT subscribers could use it, but now it is available regardless of carrier. Also, the fortress is only for navigation

▣ Install Tmap TMAP Navigation from Google Play Store
If you are using a Samsung Galaxy smartphone, you need to install Tmap TMAP Navigation from the Google Play Store. You can conveniently install the app through the shortcut link (here) that I will inform you about. Please connect to the link and simply install TMAP navigation.
Install Tmap TMAP Navigation from Google Play Store

▣ Install Tmap TMAP Navigation from the Apple App Store
If you are an iPhone user, you can install Tmap TMAP Navigation from the Apple App Store. Please access the shortcut link (here) that I will inform you about and install TMAP navigation conveniently.
Installing Tmap TMAP Navigation from the Apple App Store

You may encounter inconveniences or inquiries while using TMAP navigation.

In the past, it was possible to consult the customer center by phone, but now there is no telephone consultation and only online 1:1 inquiry is possible.

1:1 inquiries can be made in the following order.

T-map Run TMAP navigation ->  Select ‘My’ at the bottom right
Scroll down and click ‘Customer Center’
Choose 1:1 inquiry at the bottom
Leave a 1:1 inquiry

This concludes the posting of how to install and download Tmap TMAP navigation and the customer center phone number. thank you
TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
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