한글뷰어 다운로드 및 설치방법 How to download and install Hangul Viewer

Hangul viewer download (free installation, hwp, installation method, usage environment, supported file format)
Hangul originally had to be used for a fee. However, there is a way to use it without paying. You can download the Korean viewer using the viewer program and use it for free.

한글뷰어 다운로드

한글뷰어 다운로드


Hangul viewer download (free installation, hwp, installation method, usage environment, supported file format)

Download Korean Viewer
Hangul Viewer is divided into a subscription service and Hancom Office integrated viewer service.


The subscription service is a paid service and allows you to use all settings for Korean when purchasing euros. The integrated viewer is free to use.



Additionally, Hangul Viewer can be distributed or used for free to individuals, so check the list below and download and use the program you want to use.




Korean viewer usage environment and supported file formats
Usage environment

Operating System: Windows 10 or higher

CPU: 2.4GHz or higher, 2 cores (32-bit and 64-bit)


Resolution: 1366


Supported file formats

Hancom Office documents (*.hwp;*hwpx;*.hwt;*.hml;*.hwdt;*.hwpx;*.cell;*.nxl;*.hcdt;*.nxt;*.show;*.hpt ;*.hsdt)

Word processor document (*. hwp;*hwpx;*. hwt;*. hml;*. hwdt;*. hwpx;*. frm;*. doc;*. docx;*. dot;*. dotx;*. rtf ;*.odt)

Spreadsheet document (*. cell;*. hcdt;*. nxl;*. nxt*. xls;*. xlsx;*. xlsm;*. ods)

Presentation document (*. show;*. hsdt;*. hpt;*. pptx;*. ppt;*. potx;*. pps;*. ppsx;*. odp)


How to use Hangul Viewer for Enterprise
If you want to use the Hangul viewer in a company, you must apply to use the corporate viewer as shown in the picture below.




How to install Korean Viewer

1. Download the Korean viewer and run the installation file.

2. To use the Korean viewer, Visual C++ 2015 – 2019 Redistributable must be installed as shown below.

You can download it through the free download below, so you can proceed with ease by installing it in advance.



3. Click OK and the photos will be prepared for installation of the Korean viewer. At this time, do not close the window and wait until you can proceed with the next installation process.


4. When the Hancom Office Viewer User Agreement window appears, click Agree and then click the Next button to continue installation.


5. Office Viewer can view various types of files. Check all files and click the install button.


6. Once installation is complete, use the Settings button to complete the basic settings.


7. You have completed all steps to use the program. After clicking the Finish button, you can use the Korean viewer.