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Hyundai Motor Company’s Huportal is a platform where executives and employees can conveniently use vehicle management and welfare benefits. Services include access to resorts, health promotion programs, educational support, and support for family events, and various benefits are provided depending on membership level. This guide explains in detail how to understand and effectively utilize Huportal’s various services.

현대자동차 휴포탈

현대자동차 휴포탈

Introduction to Hyundai Motors Huportal
Comprehensive guide on how to use Hyundai Motor Company’s Hue Portal
Source: Hyundai Motor Company Hue Portal

Hyundai Motor Company’s Hue Portal provides a variety of welfare services so that employees can enjoy leisure activities and vacations in a cheap and comfortable environment all year round. This portal is designed so that employees can enjoy benefits in various fields such as health, education, and family events as well as automobile-related services.


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🔰 Purpose and functions of Huportal
Hu Portal provides various information and services, including vehicle management and service reservations, to Hyundai Motor Company executives and employees through convenient accessibility and a user-friendly interface. In particular, Huportal focuses on improving the work-life balance of its employees.

Comprehensive guide on how to use Hyundai Motor Company’s Hue Portal
Source: Hyundai Motor Company Hue Portal
🔰 Membership levels and benefits
Huportal introduces various membership levels such as basic, silver, gold, and platinum and provides customized services for each level. For example, Gold members receive car care tips and expert advice, while Platinum members enjoy top priority and maximum discounts on all services.

Welfare benefits and how to use them
🔰 Guide to using the resort
Hyundai Motor Company employees can use a variety of hotels and resorts for free or at membership rates. When applying through the vacation portal, you can apply by entering your employee number, desired resort, and schedule. The application period and method vary depending on the peak season and off-season.

🔰Health promotion and education support programs
Huportal improves the health of employees by providing regular health checkups, fitness center vouchers, and online health management services. We also help employees improve their expertise by supporting online courses for self-development and foreign language learning.

Service usage guide


Hu Portal – Hyundai Motor Company Welfare Site :: Welfare Portal HEW(休)


🔰 Huportal access and application process
You can access Hu Portal’s services by accessing Autoway, selecting a four-season resort in the business support lounge, and then selecting application for use. The application process is intuitive and consists of user-friendly steps.

🔰 Precautions and tips for use
One thing to note during the application process is that you can only apply for a maximum of 5 applications within 90 days from the application date. This is to limit indiscriminate applications.

Huportal shopping mall and additional services
🔰 Benefits of using shopping malls
Huportal shopping mall offers auto parts, accessories, lifestyle products, etc. Discount rates vary depending on membership level, and Platinum members can receive up to a 20% discount.

🔰 Buy vehicle parts and accessories
When purchasing car parts and accessories, it is important to choose products that fit your vehicle type and needs. Huportal provides various product categories for this purpose.

Hyundai Motor Company’s Huportal focuses on improving the quality of life of employees by providing various welfare benefits along with vehicle management. These services support employees’ work-life balance and promote positive relationships between the company and employees.