현대카드 고객센터 Connect with a Hyundai Card agent

현대카드 고객센터hello.

Today, I would like to introduce how to connect a card agent based on Hyundai Card.

Recently, while reissuing the card, there was a part that needed counseling from a counselor.

Recently, the customer center service is changing a lot with visible ARS and audible ARS.

I wanted to connect to a counselor because there was no menu I wanted, but it was very frustrating because there was no menu to connect to a counselor.

So if you have experience like me with the method you found, I hope it will be useful.

First, call the Hyundai Card Customer Center (1577-6000).

When the call is connected, the AI ​​calls out a list of what kind of consultation you want.

Value-added tax and income deduction: No. 9
Theft and loss and voice phishing related: No. 8
Personal card consultation: No. 1
Corporate card consultation: No. 2
Merchant: No. 3
Non-member card application and card issuance status, gift card related: No. 4

Just press the number corresponding to the category you want.

After that, when authentication is complete, you will be asked whether you did press ARS or verbal ARS.

Press 1 time.

If you wait a little bit, you will receive a link in the text like this.

Do not hang up the phone, enter the text message while connected and touch the link.

Then you will see the visible ARS screen.

We are almost there.

Touch the three horizontal lines at the top right of the screen.

When you enter, there are several lists, and if you go all the way down, there is a menu called Connect to an agent at the bottom.

If you touch it, you will be connected to an agent.

If the service or consultation you want is not in the menu provided by AI, you can directly contact the counselor using the corresponding method.

It’s not that I don’t understand why you can’t connect to a counselor over the phone, or why you made it invisible in this way, but it’s also true that it’s inconvenient.

Anyway, if you use Hyundai Card, I hope you find it useful.

Thank you for reading this long post today.

I’ll finish this.
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현대카드 고객센터
