화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

I have summarized the qualification test for cargo transportation, one of the tests hosted by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority.


Cargo Transport Qualification Test
The cargo transportation qualification test is one of the tests entrusted by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to secure the expertise of truck drivers, improve transportation services, and foster safe operation and sound freight transportation business since 2004.

화물운송자격증 시험 문제

Cargo Transport Qualification Test
Qualification for Cargo Transportation 화물운송자격증 시험 문제

Business (commercial) truck drivers (consignment, general cargo, individual) drivers who need cargo transport qualifications must obtain cargo transport qualifications to drive.

Commercial (commercial) truck 좋은뉴스
– Cargo vehicles registered for the purpose of “transportation for a fee” that provides transportation services in response to the transportation demand of others and receives compensation for it
– Cars equipped with commercial yellow license plates on trucks

Qualifications for Cargo Transport Qualification Test
In order to take the Freight Transport Qualification Test, you must meet several qualifications.

Age: 20 years old or older
Holders of Class 1 or Class 2 driver’s licenses (excluding small cars) or higher
-Two years of holding a driver’s license have passed
-Class 2 driver’s license acquisition period 1 year (1 year driving experience not allowed)
– 1 year driver’s license + 1 type driver’s license, 1 year
-Acquisition of Class 1 driver’s license for 3 years (cancelled due to drunk driving) + Class 1 driver’s license for 5 years: Applicable with 8 years of driving experience
Those who hold a Class 1 or Class 2 driver’s license (excluding small vehicles) and have more than one year of business driving experience: Possess a Class 1 driver’s license, but the date of acquisition is less than two years
Conforms to the driving aptitude test standards set by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
A person who does not fall under the grounds for disqualification under Article 9 of the Trucking Transport Service Act
Here, the driver’s license recognition standard refers to the period of holding the driver’s license, and if the driver’s license is revoked and reacquired again, it is recognized by adding the holding period of the previous license, excluding the time of cancellation.

In the case of a foreigner (foreign nationality), the condition for taking the test is 2 years (730 days) of driving experience. If the driver’s license experience in Korea is more than 2 years, it can be confirmed through the National Police Agency inquiry. If the driver’s license experience in Korea is less than 2 years, documents Submission is required.


Cargo Transport Qualification Test
Cargo Transport Qualification Test Acquisition Procedure
In order to obtain the cargo transport qualification, the test is taken online or by visiting 15 test centers nationwide.

The test fee is 11,500 won, and when taking the test, you must submit your driver’s license and a 3.5*4.5cm color photo taken within 6 months.


The exam consists of 4 subjects and requires you to solve 80 questions per round.

1st round 9:20~10:40 / 2nd round 11:00~12:20 / 3rd round 14:00~15:20 / 4th round 16:00~17:20


If you pass the test, you must get a total score of 60% or higher, and if you pass, you must receive 8 hours of legal education.

Successful applicants must separately bring a training fee of KRW 11,500, license issuance fee of KRW 10,000, a photo, and a driver’s license to receive a license.


Cargo Transport Qualification Test Schedule
The test is conducted regularly at 15 business sites nationwide, and when it is conducted 4 times a day or 2 times a week in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can check the test schedule by calling the test center.

Test Registration Test Hours Regular CBT Written Test Day (except Saturdays and holidays)
80 minutes 20 minutes before the start CBT-exclusive permanent test center Utilization of precision test site
CBT non-permanent test site
Seoul Guro, Suwon, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, Gwangju, Incheon, Chuncheon, Cheongju, Jeonju, Changwon, Ulsan Seoul Nowon, Sangju, Jeju
4 times a day (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon)
Daejeon, Busan, and Gwangju conduct air CBT on Wednesday afternoons, and every Tuesday and Thursday
(twice in the afternoon)
Freight transport qualification exam questions
Since the freight transportation qualification test comes out in the form of a question bank, the Transportation Safety Authority has not officially posted past questions.

Please refer to the attached exam-related information floating around the Internet.