2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 Types of Basic Livelihood Security Benefits

A summary of the meaning, conditions, benefits, and application method of recipients of basic livelihood in 2022

Basic Livelihood Recipient 2022년 기초생활수급자 조건

Recipient of Basic Livelihood Recipient refers to a person whose recognized income is 30% to 50% of the median income, which is less than the minimum cost of living.

You can receive support for living expenses from the government. Living expenses support can be divided into four categories: livelihood benefit (30% or less of median income), medical benefit (40% or less), housing benefit (45% or less), and education benefit (50% or less). there is. In order to guarantee a minimum standard of living for all citizens and help them to get back up when a crisis that makes living difficult comes, the government is implementing the National Basic Livelihood Security System to support the recipients of the Basic Livelihood.2022년 기초생활수급자 조건

Source: Naver Hankyung Economic Glossary

The National Basic Livelihood Security System refers to a system that guarantees basic living through state support to low-income earners below the minimum cost of living.

Types of Basic Livelihood Security Benefits

Basic livelihood security benefits include livelihood benefits, housing benefits, medical benefits, education benefits, childbirth benefits, and self-support benefits.

Recipient selection criteria

1. Based on recognized income

The table below shows the standard median income. Here, the standard median income refers to the income of the person located in the middle when all citizens are lined up in order of income, and the standard median income is the national income adjusted based on the median income for the selection of beneficiaries of the Basic Livelihood Security System and welfare projects. It means median. And this value becomes the criteria for selecting beneficiaries by salary type.

Based on the above-mentioned standard median income, the beneficiaries are selected from 30% of the living benefit, 40% of the medical benefit, 45% of the housing benefit, and 50% of the education benefit. In addition, 30% of the median income based on the criteria for selecting recipients of livelihood benefits also falls under the criteria for payment of livelihood benefits.

The calculation method of recognized income can be obtained by the formula shown in the table below.

2. Standards for dependents (only for medical benefits)

Basic Livelihood Recipient Benefits

Basic livelihood recipient benefits include basic livelihood security benefits such as livelihood benefits, housing benefits, medical benefits, education benefits, childbirth benefits and self-support benefits. There are so many other benefits, such as reductions and exemptions for water and sewage charges, that it is difficult to explain them all. Therefore, we recommend that you check it because you can easily find it by searching for it in the search bar on the Welfarero website. 쉬운남자

How to apply

■ Online application: You can apply on the website of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

■ Visitation: You can apply by visiting the nearest Eup, Myeon-dong Community Service Center. The government provides assistance for low-income families, young people, and the elderly.

There are countless policies out there.

Since no one tells you about these policies, find out for yourself.

Because it is a benefit that you must take care of, acquiring information can help you achieve stability in your life.

​From October 2021, the government will

The eligibility to apply for livelihood benefits has been relaxed.

Recipients of Basic Livelihood Recipients are entitled to different types of benefits depending on their income.

There are housing benefits, medical benefits, and livelihood benefits that we are looking at today.

​Livelihood benefits are for those with less than 30% of the median income.

You can get support. (Personally, I think it should be a little more relaxed.)


⇒ Details of livelihood benefits for recipients of basic livelihood benefits

⇒ Qualifications to apply for livelihood benefits for recipients of basic livelihood benefits in 2022

⇒ Median income and livelihood benefit payment amount based on livelihood benefit in 2022

Basic Livelihood Recipient’s Livelihood Benefits

What is livelihood benefit?

This is for beneficiaries according to the National Basic Livelihood Security Act.

Basic necessities such as clothes, food, fuel, and money

It is a salary that supports and supports a livelihood.

​In principle, livelihood benefits are paid in cash.

If it is difficult to pay money, we also provide support with goods.

​The basic livelihood security system includes the recognized amount of income and the person obligated to support (medical benefit)

For low-income beneficiaries who meet the criteria

Support for livelihood benefits, housing benefits, medical benefits, and education benefits

Ensure a minimum standard of living so that you can cultivate your self-reliance

A support policy to help.

Qualifications to apply for livelihood benefits for recipients of basic livelihood benefits in 2022

​In the past, there was a standard for the amount of income recognized and the person obligated to support the beneficiaries of livelihood benefits.

​※ From October 2021, only the recognized amount of income will be used and the standard for dependents will disappear.

​The standard for dependents is the first-degree direct blood relatives of all household members and

Although the child’s income and wealth were the sum of the

Now this standard has been abolished.

​Parents or children (including spouse) have high income (over 100 million won per year)

Or, in the case of Kodaesan (more than 900 million won), of course, you cannot receive livelihood benefits.

​Except for high income and its property

The amount of income recognized in 2022 is 30% of the median income in 2022

must be less than

​▶ Livelihood benefit standards: 30% or less of the standard median income

The standard median income is based on the median income.

Basic livelihood recipients, livelihood benefits, education benefits, medical benefits, housing benefits, etc.

It serves as the basis for the selection of welfare policies.

​This standard median income is determined annually by the Living Security Council.

A deliberation will be made to determine the median income for the following year.