신용카드 포인트 현금화 방법(feat.여신금융협회 카드포인트) How to cash credit card points (feat. Credit Finance Association Card Points)

How to cash credit card points!!

신용카드 포인트 현금화

We can’t spend money when we leave the house.

When you open the door, you have to pay for gas or public transportation to move.

Eating, drinking tea, watching a movie, etc.!!

신용카드 포인트 현금화

There is no way to avoid consumption.

We reveal how to make money while sitting down even if you spend money.​

Everyone has a credit card or two, right?

What card do you have?

Hyundai Card, Shinhan Card, BC Card, etc., regardless of any card

I will tell you how to cash in my sleeping card points at once.

Do you guys know how many points are accumulated on my card?

Probably very few people know this.

I don’t know either~ haha

The important thing is that this card point expires without being able to use it after a certain period of time!!

If you think about one card, the points may not be much, but

If you use multiple cards, it can be a larger amount than you think.

How to cash out my credit card points

Please focus!

1. Enter card point integrated inquiry in the search box and connect.

You can search for Credit Finance Association or search for card point integrated inquiry.

Source: Naver search bar

2. On the Card Point Integrated Inquiry page, click Integrated Inquiry/Account Deposit/Donation.

You do not need to log in -> Click Non-member access.

Source: Credit Finance Association

3. After consent, verify your mobile phone and complete the power of attorney agreement.

Source: Credit Finance Association

4. Click Card Point Integrated Inquiry and inquire if there is my card company.

Chuler: Credit Finance Association

5. Check the collected card points and click Deposit/Donate points.

Source: Credit Finance Association

6. Finally, if you click Apply for Point Account Deposit and enter your account number, it will be deposited in real time.

Source: Credit Finance Association

How are you?

It’s simple right? haha

I have already cashed in my credit card points.

Get my sleeping credit card points refunded~~

Hurry up before it expires ~~~^^