국가 자격증 종류 National Qualification Type

Let’s look at how to look up national qualifications (nationally recognized qualifications) and types.

Recently, there are many people who are looking for a nationally recognized qualification. One of the recent government policies, a youth savings account, is scheduled to be launched in April 2020, and this is because one of the conditions for opening this youth savings account is a national qualification. I also have a license that I have acquired in the past, but I wanted to find out if it is a license certified by the state or if it is still in effect (driver’s license is not recognized).

To start with the conclusion, if you search for national technical certification inquiry on Google, you can check it on the Qnet homepage at the top.


Please click the Q-net site searched on Google. 국가 자격증 종류

국가 자격증 종류


Originally, the main page would look like the above, but if you came in from Google, it would look different. First of all, you need to log in. If you do not have an ID, please register as a member. At this time, authentication is required, so you need a public certificate or a mobile phone in your name. 좋은뉴스 




If you have logged in after signing up as a member, click Qualification Acquisition Qualifications in the Qualification Acquisition/Not Issuance category in the Qualifications/Confirmation, and the list of certificates you have acquired will appear. If you have a certification, but it does not appear on the list above, it is not a national certification or an error, so please make sure to contact the customer support center to check. If you have not acquired a license so far, you should find out if there is a national certification certificate that can be acquired before April. If you search for national certification on Naver, the following window will appear.



If you look at the bottom, you must check the website of the Human Resources Development Service of Korea for accurate information. It is a strong confidence that we will not take responsibility even if there is incorrect information. So, you can enter the link above. If you click the website of the Human Resources Development Service of Korea in blue letters in the guide, you will kindly return to the Q-net website.




It’s not being sarcastic to be kind. Even if you enter Q-net, it can be difficult to find that screen, but like a large portal, they kindly guided you to the relevant page. If you do not need a certificate before April, check here if you have a certificate in the field you want to learn, listen to the following explanation, and if you want to obtain a certificate before April, read the exam schedule below.





First of all, let’s focus on the schedule of the national technical qualification test.

On the left menu of the same site, click Test Schedule – National Technical Qualification Test Schedule – National Technical Qualification (regular), and check the related information on the Technician (regular) tab, which is relatively easy to acquire. Please note that the difficulty of the test increases in the order of technician < engineer, industrial engineer < craftsman < technician, and the qualifications become increasingly difficult.



This time, let’s take a look at the professional qualification exam schedule. As shown in the image above, you can check the same information by clicking on the professional qualification test schedule on the left menu or by clicking on the national professional qualification in the window you saw when you checked the national technical qualification.


I checked once, but I don’t know if there is a test that only requires theory. If any of you reading this know any such information, please leave a comment. That’s what I want to see too. On the contrary, there are tests that only look at practical skills, so if you have a special skill, please refer to the schedule for good results.