연체기록 조회 Overdue record inquiry method and deletion period

연체기록 조회The second method is to directly contact the financial institution from which you received the loan. This method is to check the delinquency record by directly contacting the financial institution from which you received the loan. However, it is very cumbersome and burdensome to directly inquire about overdue records to the financial institution concerned. That’s why most people prefer inquiry through the site rather than direct inquiry.

Let’s learn more about how to look up overdue records at ‘All Credit’, an institution that can look up representative credit information.
Overdue record inquiry method

First, after accessing the AllCredit homepage, click ‘Free Credit Inquiry for All Citizens’ in the lower right corner. If you want to view it as a non-member, click Free Credit Inquiry View for All Nationals (Non-member).

For non-member login, after verifying the identity of the mobile phone user, write an email ID, and after verifying the identity, the overdue record inquiry screen appears. If you log in as a member, you will be redirected to the browsing screen after verifying your i-PIN. You can immediately check various overdue records such as card overdue, loan overdue, substitute payment, etc.

Overdue record – inquiry method

Let’s look at the deletion period for each case of short-term overdue and long-term overdue when there is an overdue record. Overdue dates are calculated in ‘business days’. Short-term delinquency refers to repayment after being overdue for less than 3 months (5 to 90 days), long-term overdue refers to repayment after being overdue for 3 months (90 days) or more. In the case of long-term overdue, you will be listed on the debt default list, and you will be given a very large disadvantage in future financial transactions.

Overdue records are kept for 3 years for short-term overdue and 5 years for long-term overdue. Some people mistakenly believe that the start date of the delinquent institution is from the day the delinquency began, but the detention institution of all delinquency begins from the date the full payment is made. Therefore, the overdue record is deleted after 3 years in the short term and 5 years in the long term from the date of full payment of the overdue amount.

There are many misunderstandings that even a small amount will remain on the record if it is overdue. Regardless of the number or period of overdue, if it is less than KRW 100,000 overdue, it is not considered as short-term overdue. Credit rating agencies, credit ratings, and other financial institutions’ overdue records are also not shared.
However, since the overdue record remains at the financial institution where you have overdue, there may be disadvantages when obtaining an additional loan or extending the maturity of the loan.

Even if it is over KRW 100,000, if it is overdue for more than 5 business days and one case is overdue, there is no effect on the decrease in credit score, but the record is shared with credit rating agencies or financial institutions during the overdue period. In this way, it is recommended not to overdue as much as possible because you can receive a big disadvantage in financial transactions.

If you have forgotten the payment date and have not kept the date, or if you have had the experience of not paying the loan repayment interest on the promised date, we recommend that you check your delinquency record.

연체기록 조회

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