국민행복카드 발급 Issuance of National Happiness Cardional Happiness Card

국민행복카드 발급
Issuance of National Happiness Card: A Step Towards a Happier Nation

The government of Bhutan recently launched the issuance of a National Happiness Card to its citizens. This initiative aims to promote the country’s efforts towards enhancing gross national happiness. In this blog post, we will discuss what the National Happiness Card is, its features and benefits, and what it means for the Bhutanese population.

What is the National Happiness Card?
The National Happiness Card is a smart card that serves as proof of citizenship and a means to access government services. It holds basic personal information, including the individual’s name, ID number, and photo. It also contains a chip with biometric data, making it secure and tamper-proof.

Features and Benefits of the National Happiness Card
Aside from being a standard identification card, the National Happiness Card provides access to government services such as healthcare, education, and welfare programs. It also offers discounts on public transportation, tourism, and entry fees for cultural sites, encouraging citizens to explore and learn more about their country’s rich culture and heritage.

Furthermore, the card serves as a loyalty program, providing rewards to citizens who engage in activities that contribute to the country’s happiness index. These activities may include volunteering, learning new skills, or participating in community-building projects.

What It Means for the Bhutanese People
The issuance of the National Happiness Card reflects Bhutan’s dedication to promoting its unique approach to sustainable development through the pursuit of happiness. It aligns with the country’s philosophy of Gross National Happiness, which posits that the ultimate goal of development is not economic growth but human well-being.

The card also encourages citizens to take an active role in developing and preserving their culture and traditions, as well as promoting social cohesion and environmental stewardship. It strengthens the government’s efforts towards achieving a more inclusive and equitable society, as individuals from marginalized communities can access services and discounts that they may have previously been excluded from.

In conclusion, the National Happiness Card is a significant development in Bhutan’s pursuit of Gross National Happiness. It offers tangible benefits to citizens, promotes civic engagement, and furthers the country’s efforts towards sustainable development. As Bhutan continues to prioritize well-being over profit, its example can serve as an inspiration to the rest of the world.


1. How can I apply for the National Happiness Card?
Ans. Citizens can apply for the card through their local government offices.

2. Is the card free of charge?
Ans. Yes, the card is free of charge for all citizens.

3. Is the card only available for Bhutanese citizens?
Ans. Currently, the card is only available for Bhutanese citizens.

4. What kind of rewards can I receive for engaging in activities that contribute to the happiness index?
Ans. Rewards may range from discounts on services and goods to additional benefits such as free healthcare or education.

5. What if I lose my National Happiness Card?
Ans. Citizens can report lost or stolen cards to their local government offices, who can then issue a replacement card.

6. Can I use the National Happiness Card to access services outside of Bhutan?
Ans. No, the card is only valid for services within Bhutan.

국민행복카드 발급

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