카카오톡 사기 계좌 조회 How to look up the counter account and contact information used in account trading fraud | The first 4 digits 3333, 7777, 7979 information when checking Kakao Bank account

카카오톡 사기 계좌 조회1. How to check the account and contact information where account transaction fraud occurred on KakaoTalk (Kakao Pay)
2. Find out the first 4 digit account number information when checking Kakao Bank account | 3333, 7777, 7979

1. How to check the account and contact information where account transaction fraud occurred on KakaoTalk (Kakao Pay)
(1) 3 dots at the bottom of KakaoTalk, tap More
(2) Click ‘Assets’ under the Kakao Pay icon at the top

(3) Tap ‘Account Keeper’ in the pop-up that slides down and sideways
(4) Inquiry of suspicious phone number or account number in counter-account inquiry

2. Find out the first 4 digit account number information when checking Kakao Bank account | 3333, 7777, 7979
(1) Account number starting with KABIN 7777 | Minor-only accounts restricted to 14-18 (often used for account transaction fraud)
(2) Account number starting with KABIN 3333 | Adult account number that has undergone identity verification (normal account)
(3) Account number starting with KABIN 7979 | Safe account number (used mainly for meeting bankbooks)
– Deposit-only account number given to the meeting
– The meeting passbook can only be seen by the members of the meeting, and it is shown as a safe account number, not an actual account number.
– Even if you deposit into the meeting account, it will be deposited into your real account.

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