털린 내 정보 찾기 바로가기 및 사용방법 Shortcut to find my stolen information and how to use it

These days, the issue of personal information leakage, such as the dark web, is rapidly emerging as a social issue and is acting as a very sensitive matter. Personal information (ID, password, etc.) illegally leaked on the Internet is being abused for various crimes such as identity theft and voice phishing. Accordingly, the Personal Information Protection Commission and the Korea Internet & Security Agency announced that they would operate a service called ‘Find My Stolen Information’ in earnest to prevent secondary damage.

털린 내 정보 찾기

털린 내 정보 찾기

Recently, the process of finding one by one while receiving information related to personal information was cumbersome. Is there any way to solve this? After thinking about it, I found out that there is a website for finding information on my hair that is operated by the government.

The site is convenient because it is easy to use with the ID that is mainly used.

If you go down, you can immediately check the stolen my information and reduce the damage of personal information leakage.

Hide Table of Contents
1 Confirm personal information leakage
2 What is Hairline Information Search Service?
3​Withdrawal from the website
Confirm personal information leakage

Now, let’s go to the stolen My Information Finder website and find out how to check whether personal information has been leaked.

Find My Stolen Information


1. Search for the stolen My Information service on Naver and go to the homepage

2. Click Check whether the main page of the homepage has been leaked

3. Scroll down after giving a brief consent

4. Secondary authentication after sending the authentication number to the e-mail you usually use

5. Search in bulk by entering frequently used IDs and passwords up to 10

If personal information has been leaked so far, a separate indicator appears, and if not, it is displayed in green.


If you look at the news, you hear about the theft of membership registration information registered with various financial institutions, travel agencies, and IT agencies every day.

If you want to respond as quickly as possible, please check the text.

From now on, we will look at how to check whether personal information has been leaked through the Find My Information service and how to file a complaint. There is also a safe call service that is useful to know.

119 Safety Call Service


What is Hair Loss Information Search Service?
Find My Information is a service to identify and respond to the fact that personal information illegally distributed on the Internet is being abused for various crimes such as identity theft or voice phishing.

A service is provided to check information leaked from audio sites such as the dark web and prevent secondary damage. Through this service, you can check and prevent leakage of personal information.


​Withdrawal from the website
After going through the process mentioned above, you will be directed to the information confirmation window. Users can opt out of the site without retaining unnecessary personal information.

Even if there are more than 100 sites registered as members, it is convenient to use because you can collectively unsubscribe.

Through this service, you can search large portal sites such as Naver, Kakao, and Coupang, as well as the National Tax Service’s Hometax.

However, in some cases, withdrawal may be difficult.

Click the website membership withdrawal button
After clicking the Unsubscribe button, wait for a certain amount of time
Agree to various terms and conditions and go through the authentication process
Deciding whether to use an unfamiliar website by clicking on it
Select the website you think is unnecessary and click the Proceed to Unsubscribe button

Find hairy information
This concludes the guide on how to unsubscribe from 100 websites for checking personal information leakage from the Find My Information service.

The process may seem lengthy, but if you go through it, you’ll be able to solve the problem quickly. If personal ID and password are illegally distributed, damages such as identity theft, fraudulent transactions, and voice phishing may occur, so it is recommended to check it quickly.