아동급식카드 발급 조건 Child Meal Card Issuance Conditions and How to Use :: Heeya Info

아동급식카드 발급 조건hello. This is Heeya.
Today, we will look at the conditions for issuing a child meal card and how to use it.

Have you ever heard of a child meal card?
Child Meal Card is a child meal support project supported by local governments that is issued to children under the age of 18 who are in financial difficulties.
With a payment card for undernourished children, you can pay 8,000 won a day, or 4,000 won for one meal.
In the case of lunch, it is to solve two meals, breakfast and dinner, because it is supported by the school.

Eligibility for Dream Card issuance
School or preschool children under the age of 18.
However, please note that students who are in high school are included even if they are 18 years of age or older.

The criteria for selection and issuance of meal cards are as follows.
– Children from boy and girl families
– Children from single-parent families
– Children from households with less than 52% of the median income and whose guardian is registered as a disabled person
– Children of households subject to emergency welfare support
– Children whose guardians are absent due to guardian runaway, long-term imprisonment, etc.
– A child whose guardian is incapable of raising due to an accident, acute illness, chronic disease, abuse, neglect, etc.
– Children from dual-income households whose health insurance premiums are less than 52% of the median income of the standard recognized income
– Children using child welfare programs such as local children’s centers and social welfare centers
Although it does not apply to the above, it is said that the child meal card issuance standard can be met if the homeroom teacher, social worker, Lee, Tongbanjang, or district official recommends it.

It is said that the application can be made in person or by phone at the community center where the child resides. Necessary documents can also be consulted with the person in charge of the community center.

There are also items that are prohibited from purchasing child meal cards.
Please note that these are rice, ramen, ice cream, carbonated drinks, alcoholic beverages, coffee, tobacco, and non-food items.

The method of using the child meal card differs from local government to affiliated stores, but you can use the card while purchasing food other than prohibited items within the limit of 8,000 won in Seoul.

I.O.I and Gugudan’s Sejeong Kim, who are walking on the flowery road, have also revealed that they used meal cards themselves when their financial situation was difficult.
I will end this article by hoping that you will remember that you do not have to feel ashamed even a little if you use the meal card now, and that it will be enough if you succeed and live a more dignified life later.

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