유튜브 채널 차단 방법 How to block and hide YouTube unwanted channels in Chrome

유튜브 채널 차단 방법Click the Apps button in the top left corner of the Chrome browser.
If you don’t see the button, you can access it using the link below.

Search for Channel Blocker or click the link below to go to the extensions page you need.

Click the Add to Chrome button on the Channel Blocker page.

After installation, a Play Block icon will appear in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser.
Tap the icon.

If you click the block channel icon in the upper right corner of the browser, the setting window with a dark background like the one above will open.
There are two input forms with a turquoise background.
The form on the left is where the list of blocked channels or blocked users appears, and the turquoise input form on the right is where you enter the content to be blocked.

Copy and paste the channel address to be blocked into the input form on the right, or enter the name of the channel you want to block and press the plus (+) icon. The channel address or name in the box on the left is now blocked.

This program is not officially supported by YouTube, so if you delete this extension Channel Blocker, it will return to its original state.

After installing the Channel blocker extension, every video post on YouTube will have an X icon next to its name. It can be found in search results, on YouTube home, and in the related video list on the right.
If you click the X-shaped icon, the channel name of the corresponding video is included in the block list on the setting screen shown in Block method 1.

As a test, I searched for ‘IU’ on YouTube.
I am a fan of IU. I swear on my chest.

In the search results, click the X icon next to ‘Dingo Music’, and click the X icon next to Now [IU Official].

This is what it looks like right after pressing the X button.
Posts from the person you block are immediately hidden from your screen.

It is not an official function provided by YouTube, so there are some inconveniences. When you scroll down the screen when there are many blocked items in the search results as above, you can see the blocked items appear for a while and then hide. In conclusion, the blocked items are gone and you can see a neat result screen, but you can see a little ‘noisy’ scene while scrolling. Posts appearing and disappearing, and the scroll bar on the right increases and decreases.

But it’s great to be able to get rid of obtrusive posts.
It’s never a good thing that ‘IU’ disappears from the screen. Again, I’m a fan.

Now unblock to see IU’s post again.
On the settings screen, click to select a list to be removed from the blocked list, and press the cyan-colored x button to the right.
Once unblocked, you will see the post again on YouTube.

Channel Blocker : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/channel-blocker/nfkmalbckemmklibjddenhnofgnfcdfp

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