카카오톡 광고 차단 How to get rid of KakaoTalk ad window on PC 2 (KakaoTalk PC version ad window removal, how to delete it awkwardly)

카카오톡 광고 차단First, let’s look at the screen in question and the screen we want.

welcome? will be the screen. At the bottom of the friend or chat list, a fixed advertisement screen is sent.
It’s not completely static either.
If you’re staring at it, it’ll quickly change to another ad.

However, you can remove the advertisement window of PC KakaoTalk as follows.
2 ways to get rid of KakaoTalk ad windows on PC

There are two ways to get rid of the PC KakaoTalk advertisement window as shown in the picture above.
1) How to use the friend or chat list more widely by removing the advertisement area as shown on the left.
2) As shown on the right, the advertisement does not appear, but the advertisement area is replaced with another kakao photo

Of course, just looking at the results, the method on the left is much wider and cleaner, but you need to install some program.
The method on the right is disappointing, but it can be changed only with Windows settings without installing a program.

In this post, as shown in the picture below, we introduce the unfortunate method?

Please refer to the post below on how to make the ad area disappear completely.
▶ How to get rid of the PC KakaoTalk ad window completely (= use a wider chat list for friends)

So, from now on, I will introduce it in earnest.

1) First, click the Windows Start button > Search for Notepad > Right-click > Run as administrator

2) If the User Account Control pops up as shown below, click Yes

3) Click > File > Open in the top menu

4) As shown below, when Windows Explorer appears, enter the corresponding path in the address bar to enter.

* Copy path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

5) At first, there will be nothing, but click [Text Document] at the bottom right and change it to [All Files]

6) Then the hidden ones will appear, select the hosts file and click [Open]

7) The contents of hosts will appear in the notepad.

8) Enter the code below.

* Copy code: display.ad.daum.net

9) Then, save it as it is and close Notepad (CTRL + S)

10) At this time, if you check the PC KakaoTalk, it will not have changed yet.
Do not close the PC KakaoTalk window as it is, turn it off completely or reboot the PC to apply.
Right triangle on the task bar > KakaoTalk icon > click Exit

* Oh, for reference, I am a current engineer, posting more than 10 years of PC know-how on my blog and YouTube.
If you subscribe to the YouTube channel below, we will help you with PC breakdown inquiries 100% free of charge, so please refer to it.
If you bookmark the current blog (CTRL+D), you can solve your PC problems faster.
▶ PC-related integrated bulletin board (Naver Cafe)
▶ PC breakdown inquiry bulletin board (urgent)
▶ KakaoTalk, open chat room inquiry (free + anonymous)
▶ Youtube – PC Smartphone Tips Lab

▶ YouTube

11) Then, run KakaoTalk on PC and log in.

12) Ads have disappeared, but it will be a pity that useless photos occupy a wasteful area.
If so, please refer to the post below to get rid of the ad area completely.
How to delete KakaoTalk PC version ads

▶ How to get rid of the PC KakaoTalk ad window (= use a wider chat list for friends)

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