스마트스토어 양도양수 Smart Store transfer and acquisition

If an individual seller/individual business/corporate business falls under any of the following, transfer and acquisition must be carried out.


[In case of change from simple/individual business to corporate business or from corporate business to simple/individual business]

· If the business registration number of a simple/individual business has changed

· If the corporate registration number of the corporate business has changed

· If the individual seller member has already registered the relevant business registration number when converting to a business.

· When a personal selling member has a different representative when converting to a business


Looking at the contents, even if an individual seller gives it to a family member/acquaintance with a registered business, the transfer must be transferred.


All you have to do is fill out the transfer/acquisition application form provided by Naver, and each transferor and transferee need to have one copy of the seal certificate.


스마트스토어 양도양수

[Required documents – submitted through 1:1 inquiry]

· [Common] 1 copy of the request for approval for business transfer (can be downloaded by searching for “transfer and transfer” in Naver Smart Store Help)》

· [Transferee]: 1 copy of business registration certificate, 1 copy of mail order business report

· Transferor: 1 copy of personal/corporate seal certificate (in case of individual/simple business, a certificate of signature of the representative can be replaced, issued within the last 3 months)
· Transferee: 1 copy of personal/corporate seal certificate (in case of individual/simple business, a certificate of signature of the representative can be replaced, issued within the last 3 months)
1 copy of a bankbook in the name of the representative (or business) or corporation (account opening confirmation can be replaced with the online bankbook cover)

스마트스토어 양도양수

[How to submit documents]

· Required documents: Please submit the required documents through “1:1 Inquiry” at the bottom of the Smart Store Center. Go directly to transfer/acquisition application》